AGNPH Stories


This is my entry for the May Songfic contest =O Based on a song which I found randomly over itunes searching for something completely different. The song is called "Still Alive" and is by Lisa Miscovsky, and just so happens to be the theme tune for the most under-rated videogame in history, Mirrors Edge =D


May Songfic 2010. The song is Dani California by The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Dani came from a dangerous background, but dispite her risky and illegal lifestyle she has mad a few friends who trust her with their lives. Her story is full of pain and sacrifice, but will it all come to a happy end?



Year: 2258

Planet: KPC-109/ Serano

Location: *Information Unavailable*

In this coming-of-age tale taking place on a lawless world ravaged by desertification, Akio Fields, a no-nonsense drifter with a violent past, stumbles upon the seemingly impossible after an accident during one of planet Serano's infamous sandstorms. Left for dead in the raging desert storm, he happens upon the dwelling of a badly disfigured desert hermit who has some startling surprises in store for him...


A bayleaf wakes up a spring morning, when walking in the forest looking for some water he meets a female bayleaf. A Meganium doesn't like this and challenges bayleaf.

(Arbor Day Contest 2010)



A house with a dreaded reputation; a halloween night filled with shadow, and a lone boy on a friendship initiation. How could this night possibly go wrong?

Pokemon isn't mine, and will probably never be mine, so any and all characters and settings that are official Pokemon/nintendo proterty are copyright to them. This IS a fan work, and the plot and setting is not intended to be commercial.


  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: No Word Count: 7984 Views: 1290
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Dave a diver, is on a lucky streak. A mysterious blue pokemon keeps leading him to wrecks containing valuable objects, but what will happen when Dave happens across her when she needs help with a certain...little problem?

Male Human/Female Suicune


Submission for "Arbor Day Contest 2010", Should you sacrifice having fun for helping the people you are sworn to protect?



Arbor Day Contest 2010. The year 2015. The world is dying due to global warming. But two Legendaries won't let it happen as they are prepared to save Earth, through DANCE! The day where the spring solstice occur, they must perform this ritual or risk the extinction of their species. And of course, there's a catch. THEY MUST BOTH LOVE EACH OTHER!How could this ritual push through? Rated XXX for lemon. (CelebiXShaymin ship)NOTE: If you don't know how to speak Japanese, Sakura means "Cherry Blossoms."


Arbor Day Contest 2010. In the small Grass Pokemon village of Genki De Soomoku, there is a lavish festival held every year to urge new growth in the earth. When a young Bellossom gets caught in the excitement, what will she discover of herself?


Continuation after chapter 68


It's a bad time for the world.
Every day, crime and problems seem to be on the grow...
In order to help fight this problem, seven children have been chosen to be put to training and help defeat crime.

This is the story of those seven kids. Particularly of one who isn't exactly good at fighting... Or learning... Or anything at all.


This may blossom into a series, not entirely sure, but I think it has potential!

First Story:
An innocent Leafeon was walking through the forest one day, enjoying getting away from the bustle of the city life and napping in the forest. He was a trainer's pokemon, true, but felt the wild was his home. What happens when that home seems to turn on him? What will happen because of this?

Arbor Day Contest 2010 submission ^^


The Story of a successful Lawyer finding true love when he only need to find it with just his heart, mind and eyes.

I'm going with the Classic way here. But I'm not going to spoil it here. The first Chapter will suffice for that.


I'm not too good with summaries, but anyways, this story takes place in the same world and time as Gardevoir Chronicles, so crossovers might, or rather, should happen later in both stories.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


After seeing the most horrible of visions, a Gardevoir can make little sense of it until the worst thing happens to her. Will she know kindness no more afterwards?
This will be on hiatus for the time being. But to those that really enjoyed it, reast assured it wiil be continued/redone once Deliverance has been completed.