AGNPH Stories

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The Story of A Young Man Who Finds An Abused Vulpix And Through Living With Her For A Few Days He Finds That She Is What He Has Been Looking For All This Time
(Not Bad For The First Few Days, But Things Get Much Worse)

Hope by


This takes place right after Sorrow's end. Inferno is dead, and the group is assailed by pain, most of all Sky. Now they struggle to keep going, meeting new friends. But, a malevolent wind has begun to blow, and a dark shadow has appeared. An evil has come, and thrust the group into another battle...this time for the fate of the planet and all on it.

Rated:XXX [Reviews: 1]


A Zangoose searches his forest home for willing females in an attempt to show up his Slaking friend. Things get a little...rough...when he gets mixed in with the politics of a Weavile tribe from the nearby mountains.

A special request from a good friend of mine.



This is the second in the series, a direct follow up to Travelers. This is called Sorrow for a reason...and that will be clear at toward the end. And also...I ask that people give me more comments on my works. I like long as it's not just complete flamming...constructive criticism I don't mind. Also there's no before and after chapter commentary on this because of how serious the story is.



This is the first major set of chapters I've done. I'll be posting a few each day, so as not to overwhelm any one. These stories revolve around Inferno and Sky shortly after Traveler, and tells of the new and old faces they meet, as well as dark villians who plot and plan at every turn they take.



This was the trilogy that started it all. This was the first lemon ever done by me. This sets the stage for everything that will happen in my larger stories.


In the midst of war, only heroes can truly be trusted. This is a world where Pokemon are cast aside as if they were the Devil's minions, treated as a threat to the innocent. In time all cities of the Hoenn region have completely driven out every Pokemon which populated it. So begins the beginning of the second year of war with the Pokemon Elimination Force vs. the Pokemon Defenders and a new threat based on a Pokemon cult who wishes to destroy every human on Earth: The Anriu lead by the dreaded Lord Anriu and her Dark Lord, Lucifer Anoriach. This is a world based on code: Anti-Pokemon, this is a war that will change the world forever. -(CONTINUATION OF ANTI-POKEMON: THE NEW WORLD)-


The Pokemon's point of view in the Human vs. Pokemon war. A Zangoose has left the underground city of Miir Cyraa just for the sake of traveling. He hasn't been on the Earth's surface for a few months now, he was just getting a bit curious on how things have changed, maybe things were getting better or worse, either way he wants to know. (Timeline Added)



You've defeated the Elite Four; you're now the strongest pokémon trainer in all of Kanto. But there's so much more to being a Pokémon Master than simply winning battles.

Mewtwo is the most powerful pokémon alive, created solely to be the best. However, Mewtwo discovers the consequences of cornering a trainer between a rock and a hard place.

You'll have to learn how to deal with a psychotic pokémon dedicated to your destruction.

Mewtwo will have to learn how to deal with people in general.

Grab some popcorn, put on a helmet, and let the chaos ensue.



My background story of Barton, just modified to be with Pokemon, please enjoy.


Another story involving Lunamew. This one is not based on anything in particular, just more raep. :)



something different I wanted to try out. Anatomy gave me the Idea, and I just wrote it and improved on it. this is a fantasy title that has very little to do with the other stories of mine. hope you like it :)


A collection of stories based around unusual pairs of pokemon as offered by the agnph going public.


When a young cleric's day turns from bad to worse, she finds her worst problem may be her own liberation...
CH.9 (Kettu Kasvattaa) up!


Our main character, Jim, lives a quiet and peaceful but lonely life on the outskirts of town but a gift may very well change his life.
Story is also inspired but not based on the stories done by Natsuke. Go check out his stories!

comments, questions, rants? msg me on AIM at cncmacjim
or email me at [email protected]