AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:sexless


Sabrina and Erika discuss business while a new recruit makes a terrifying discovery. Involves really strange stuff.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: Yes Word Count: 1934 Views: 400
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Prologue to my larger story, cross over of pokemon and a videogame i frequently play. Our main man trying to get back to his world and stuff happens before he can gets back.


Offshoot from Vaporeon's New Life.

After two years of being a parent, Gardevoir has had enough of never getting the final say in how her child is brought up.

This is NOT the final chapter to Vaporeon's New Life, that story is still being developed.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 2636 Views: 436
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


When a college-bound trainer enjoying his last summer on the road adopts a pokemon fleeing her abusive captor, a combination of failed promises, shattered dreams, and broken hearts threaten to destroy his team.



Fate, a string attached to every living being as they born. Deeming the sign of misfortune and happiness, the unpredictable wheels moving these lingering strings, can point at anywhere; Luck, fortune, love and faith but also despair, misfortune sadness and death. ¿Then what would happen if there's a being whose mere existence mere existence broke the strings of fate... ¿What kind of twisted future would be awaiting for him? Only time could tell...

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. Blah Blah Blah.



On the darkest day of the year, a Pokemon has to stare down the darkness alone...


Sam finds himself in a bad situation during the greatest time of year, but that won't bring him down! He's got everything he could need... right?

Christmas 2010 Contest Entry


Christmas time is looking to be lonely for a Lucario, but his Typhlosion mate has a different plan for him.
Christmas 2010 story contest entry.Edit: 1st place winner of Christmas 2010 contest.


Tom hates Christmas. Advertising, screaming kids, you name it, he'll criticise it. Reminiscing about it, he finds something that might change his opinion.

Christmas 2010 competition entry. Also, this is a prologue for Shattered Legacy:



A trainer goes out to search for the perfect gift for the perfect Pokemon only to have find that luck is not on his side.

*Christmas 2010 contest entry*



Humans don't always treat their Pokémon right, and when things go too far, sometimes their Pokémon break away to live on their own. Other times, the humans cruelly let disappointing Pokémon go, abandoning them heartlessly. It is this heartlessness that has caused many Pokémon to seek out "Paradise," a fabled haven apart from humans, hoping to be safe and happy forever.

Eight Pokémon, bearing some scar of the past, whether it be physical, mental, or even both, come together in a forest, all with a goal common of many Pokémon recently: to find Paradise and be happy and free forever. They are mostly loners, but as they come together, they come to know that they'll need each other to survive the chaos that will ensue as they realize that it's not just humans they have to worry about...



Jeffery Tull is living a repetitive life, until he is offered a job by Silph Co. as a tester. However, trouble is around every corner, in the form of the evil Team Dominatio.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: No Word Count: 9935 Views: 1158
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


This is where I'm gonna put anything that could have been a part of one of my other stories, or is too small for me to consider putting up as a standalone. It's also where I'd place requests (If I ever got one XD)


Follow Tom Blakely as he stays a night in Hotel Abulux, and take on a simple job. At least, that was his plan. Tom gets himself dragged into a world of deceit and mysteries as this Ex-detective tries to uncover the truth behind Hotel Abulux, and find the one man who knows the truth behind everything...


At the end of your life what will mean the most to you, will it be a favorite book, your family, or something that you never realized?
