AGNPH Stories


A young Pokemon trainer heads out following some local rumours of mermaids and get's more than he bargined for.

Written on request by: Ablearcher



My triumphant (?) return. A fleeing Magmar is injured and is taken in by a lone Charizard, I hope it's more than the average rescue story. My first MM so enjoy ^^. For Charkonian, a truly good writer.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 4370 Views: 545
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


This is the sequel to Marine Flowers of Passion. Ash and Marina find themselves caught in an interstellar war between two warring robot factions. This is a Pokemon/Transformers crossover so don't turn away as this is a good long fanfic.


Ash and his friends find an injured Buizel. But after helping the Buizel Ash finds out that his life just became dangerous.


This is my sequel to Guardian of the Chosen One. XD-385 approved it. While trying to look into the future Ash, Bayleef and Neo disappear into the future



Just a test on my skills to write combat


When a young trainer is forced into a experiment against his will he is thrown into a millienium long struggle for power. He will have to adapt to his new form while coming to grips with the fact he might never be normal again. No sexual content yet but there wil be later in the story.
(Im bad at summeries) *Edit* I made some spelling corrections and spaced it out to make it easier to read, also chapter 2 is coming soon for those that care. Also if you would like to be in my story send me a message or review and all try to make sure you get in.


The story of a Latios who fell into the hands of cruel fate.

Disclamer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


"The Reign... I just can't get that title out of my head. Fear is all I can associate with it...My friends are in danger...we're all in danger."

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 2738 Views: 357
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Something me and Jewel have done. So she gets credit too. It's not much on plot, just yiff.

A Raichu creates a kingdom, one that gets him a whole lotta tail.



Annabelle is a pious farmhand who thinks too highly of herself. When she breaks the heart of her pursuer one too many times, she has to pay the cost.

Note: No pokemon beasties belong to me, obviously. They all belong to the Japanese dude that we all know and appreciate, yadda, yadda, yadda. You get the idea, no?



Dedicated to my friend of 10 years now. Feral Brimm
You helped me out a lot when times are tough and hard going. So I decided to write this for you

Yeah Another Lucario Trainer story...wooo


Basically, heres what it is. These are various stories written by yours truly. None of them are connected what so ever. They are all Male/Female, the characters being a male human and a female pokemon. Atleast, my first few stories are. I am open to any requests. Just name the pokemon, and the circumstances (Such as how the two wound up having sex).


It's a story about a human guy who gets trapped on an island filled with horny female pokemorphs.....yeah, you do the math. :P

And also, I'm taking suggestions for Chapter 2 on which pokemon Zach should have sex with first. See my profile for more details.


(This story was requested.) A young Zangoose halfbreed named Zeya finds a human in the forest while hunting. The human had been cursed to die but is there a cure.