AGNPH Stories


Two trainers go on adventure to find the perfect Vaporeon at a lake, but the town they stop by has mysterious air to it. Soon the two trainers will witness it all.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 4047 Views: 361
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


A fairly short one-shot between a girl and an umbreon morph



airo, an Umbreon is part of a special tribe who label themselves "The Banished". Their beliefs are that their species are worthless, soulless creatures who evolved into what they are because they have hearts of pure darkness. When Cairo grows tired of his pathetic, boring life, a dark secret of his that even he was unaware of comes out...


A Gardevoir in heat is rescued from a love-crazed Ambipom by a familiar face. The problem is, she doesn't know why he's familiar.


A story of my Manaja inc. crew in their own story of love,trajedy, action and the stupidest thing of all.....Drama *chills go down my spine* fuck i hate drama.


This story follows Cynthia's life, starting when she was five and ending shortly after she is defeated by the Diamond/Pearl trainer. Each chapter is going to summarize the important events in an entire year, because otherwise it would take WAY too long to write, and will usually start during autumn, because it's based on Cynthia's age and birthday. Will eventually contain sex, because Cynthia is way too hot for this story not to.



Home. All Pokémon Trainers have one, despite the traveling lifestyle that they lead. One trainer makes an annual practice of visiting home for an occasion of celebration. Each time before, he has been accompanied by a close friend. This time, he is accompanied by a lover. What will happen when two souls bound together are forced to face a family that may tear them apart if their relationship is discovered?



This is a story I've been doing in FA, and decided to bring here. This was a story I've done solely for the yiff value, nothing else. It's not long, nor does it have complex plot.

Raiden the raichu is quite the fem pleaser, but that skill bites him in the butt when he wants rest. Join him on his quest to give his poor crotch some R&R, only to lose the chance, and hump yet another fem.


This is a quick little yiff I did. It has a simple plot, so don't expect my usual work. I did this just because it got in my head and wouldn't leave.


Ash was certain he was going to spend his Christmas away from family and friends, but someone close to him has other plans; Strong Altoshipping


Anthro Pikachu and a Charmander. Enjoy


There's a reason guardians are given offerings...



This is the true tale of the life of Hamos. He is the guardian of the Elemental Forrest. He protects everyone from the evil that lies in this world and maybe even another. Along his journey he learns about the hidden powers inside, the knowledge he possesses and the talents that not many have. Time and time again he faces tragic and depressing times that seem to outweigh all the wonderful moments he has. Nevertheless, he also has to face the darkness within himself that grows stronger each day. He has one of the only pure souls within this world and each day he is faced with hard choices and the guilt he will carry from the lives he has to take. Still, even facing all that he does, his heart remains it's gentle self and anyone would call themselves lucky to be his friend.

(I will be adding tags as the story progresses)


This is a continuation of 'THE SCENT. A Gift or A curse'. Alex's starts new adventures with Ayane the anthro-absol and Zenia the anthro-luxray. The Wyvern Clan are hunting down humans who have been gifted by special pokemon, who unfortunately include Alex.



What would happen if portals between worlds started opening, dumping people into totally new surroundings? Read on to find out!

This is an Altoshipping fanfic, for those of you who care. The match just seems so obvious...