AGNPH Stories

Search Results:fav:pokefanx30


Instead of mass uploading all of my stories I decided to upload all of the one shots into a story as multiple chapters! Titles of the chapter will include the pairing and tags


A Ninetales looking to fulfill a personal taboo fantasy finally seduces his bi-curious Arcanine father in a creative way.

Warning: Contains incest.

FETEP 2, Jan 2011 Contest Submission - 2nd Place

Original Finished Date - Feb 1 2011
Featured Story - 02/01/11


A trainer leaves camp to go to town leaving his Pokemon to mind for his stuff... and each other.



Two trainer's Pokemon are left alone for an afternoon. One of them sneaks off for a bought of self-satisfaction, unaware that the object of his desires is watching and manipulating events ever so subtlely...

August 2010 Contest Submission: Going Solo - 1st Place

Original Finished Date - Aug 31 2010
Featured Story - 09/07/10


A young wild Umbreon is caught by a trainer, and left with a group of Eons at a Daycare Center. And they have a special role for him in their group. -=- Extended remake of Scion's story!

Original Finished Date - Oct 5 2005
Featured Story - 11/11/07


The newly broken-in Sandshrew returns to his Sandslash brother, wanting to experience more joys of sexual activity. So the Sandslash decides to introduce him to the wonders of oral sex.

Based off of the picture series I collaberated on with Argon Vile.

Warning: Contains incest and slight ageplay.

Original Finished Date - Sep 11 2005


Well, you can probably guess what image I'm basing this off of ^^; and believe it or not, I'm doing this from the females perspective this time: Arcanine(M) / Vulpix (F)


A Sandslash, getting some private time on a grassy hill, gets an unexpected visit from his little brother. But the Sandshrew is a quick learner, a trait the Sandslash decides to exploit.

Based off of the picture series by Argon Vile, with his permission.

Warning: Contains incest and slight ageplay.

Original Finished Date - Jun 17 2005



A Latios finds himself desperately horny while bathing in a hot spring, and must ease himself of the tension.

Note: It's a Shorty.

Original Finished Date - Oct 25 2004


Wesley's Pokemon, Ziro the Umbreon and Raniel the Espeon, get some play time after a while. Ziro wants some more personal time alone, however, but he's not without eyes on him.

Updated with the Epilogue. Story is now FINISHED.

Last Updated Date - Jan 4 2005