AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:death



Based on the Year 2057. Plot inspired by Elie Wiesel's "Night"

The earlier days were filled with fear about how the future would be placed with Anti-Pokemon Cultists began appearing all around the world. This is the story of the few Pokemon who NEARLY ended the entire Anti-Pokemon War.



A pokemon trainer with strange powers sets off on his journey; along the way he will meet new friends, make new enemies and maybe even save the world. Sexless for now and get's much darker later on


Its a story where a kid is dragged into a strange world where humans and strange creatures called pokemon. With the help of a Larvitar named Sanagirasu he blends in and tries to find his way home. A lot happens. Read to find out what happens.

Current teams:(for easy reference, for me and you) This list will update as the story does.

Mech: Sanagirasu(Tyranitar), Subomi(Roserade), Darunia(Charizard), Erureido(Gallade), Guma(Linoone), Ruto(Lapras)
Rouro(Larvitar) Bella(Buisel), Ben(Buisel), Ziggy(Zigzagoon), Rarutos(Ralts)

Bob:Naetoru(Torterra), Mukkuru(Staraptor), Shio(Luxray), Kan(Gastradon), Nabooru(Riolu), Impa(Frosslass)

Ganty: Kyukon(Ninetales), Plusun(Plusle/Minun), Buoysel(Buisel), Farore(Gallade), Nyctea(Noctowl)

Gardie(there are more but I'm lazy): Saria(Maganium), Jess(Chickorita/Growlithe)Sorry. This series is dead and I have unfortunatly lost interest. I will make a formal post on this later.



Laura, 14, and starting her pokemon journey. After a horrible storm she takes refuge in a poke centre and ultimately saves a boy named Gabriel. They begin their jouney together with unique companions, they make timeless friends and endless enemies.


A trainer by the name of Kiaace meets an injured absol on his journey, and is forced to don a pair of gauntlets.



This is a side progect i was doing while i make my real story. probably the only one that i'll ever do wich doesnt have a pokemon as a main character. also,my grammar sucks. ignore my bad grammar, im Dyslexic so i have a reason. dont rate it down cos grammar can get fucked for all i care.



Seth, a simple man, meets Layla, a Lucario destined to change the Pokemon world forever. This is their tale.



A new client goes through the strangest of lengths to contact the elite team of treasure seekers to find some ancient treasure worth 20 million dollars.



Welcome to the world of pokemon. A world that is not unlike ours. It is a world of turmoil and chaos, one on the brink of destruction. It is a world plagued by famine, death, corruption, intollerance, and the ever looming treath of doomsday.

Edgar was once an average young man. He lived his life as best as possible,despite having lost both parents at the age of 15. He helped out the weak and needy, regardless of their specie. But one day, after a horrible attack, Edgar finds himself loosing himself to something dark within him.

His awakening might just shift the balance of power in the world. But will he able to maintain his humanity? Or will he loose it all?

Several loyal friends stand by him, ready to help. But will it be enough? It is hard to fight an enemy no one even knows.

Ember by


A story centering around a boy and a female Charmander/Charmeleon.


i have decided to re-write this story, i will make a story using my own style, it will not be as detailed, but it is from the heart, and i will not bother wit grammar, just an FYI


In this world where Pokemon are treated as a threat to many humans, there is now hope as the Pokemon Defenders rise up and rebel against the Pokemon Elimination Force. But in the midst of this chaos lies more threats that cannot be comprehended, and while Earth is tearing itself apart with war, the evil slips in and destroys what has been weakened. This is a world that lives upon Code: Anti-Pokemon, this is what life is like when humans and Pokemon are at war with each other.





A young trainer at the age of 16 has set off on his quest with his new partner Kari who is a Riolu.
A hidden past and lost race are catching up with the world.



This is the second in the series, a direct follow up to Travelers. This is called Sorrow for a reason...and that will be clear at toward the end. And also...I ask that people give me more comments on my works. I like long as it's not just complete flamming...constructive criticism I don't mind. Also there's no before and after chapter commentary on this because of how serious the story is.


In the midst of war, only heroes can truly be trusted. This is a world where Pokemon are cast aside as if they were the Devil's minions, treated as a threat to the innocent. In time all cities of the Hoenn region have completely driven out every Pokemon which populated it. So begins the beginning of the second year of war with the Pokemon Elimination Force vs. the Pokemon Defenders and a new threat based on a Pokemon cult who wishes to destroy every human on Earth: The Anriu lead by the dreaded Lord Anriu and her Dark Lord, Lucifer Anoriach. This is a world based on code: Anti-Pokemon, this is a war that will change the world forever. -(CONTINUATION OF ANTI-POKEMON: THE NEW WORLD)-