Story Notes:
Eevee -> Espeon, Glaceon, Cinccino.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter 1 - Introduction (1239 words)
[Reviews: 1]
There isn't any lemon in the first chapter. I hope you can wait till the next one! I introduce 2 of the 3 girls in this chapter and there's a great fight scene!
Chapter 2 (510 words)
I had to introduce the third girl and I didn't include lemons. They are coming next chapter, I promise! I'm hard at work on it right now, so bare with me one more time. I could have forced a lemon scene, but I figured a short, sweet introduction chapter was better than ruining the entire story. I hope you'll agree.
Chapter 3 - The THIRD chapter (4321 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Chapter 4 - The Chapter After 3 (1358 words)
I'm going to stop making excuses about my slow story writing habits. I am lazy, and between my PS3 and studying, I am constantly finding excuses to not write. It's mostly because I'm lazy though. Anyways, here's the first true smut chapter. Hardly any actual story, lots of sex. Enjoy.
Chapter 5 - The Chapter Before 6 (2238 words)
No lemons in this chapter :[ I introduce a new girl.
Chapter 6 - The Fourth Chapter Before 10 (3414 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Hey everyone. Lot's of smut in this one, know you guys love that. Enjoy.
Chapter 7 (1585 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Hey everyone, sorry for the delay. I've had a lot going on recently. Here's a quickie for me to get back on the saddle and back into a writing train of thought, and also to keep y'all from tearing my head off ;] . Enjoy.
Date:Apr 16 2013 Chapter:Chapter 1 - Introduction
And why not go with victini?
Just a quick note--you may want to find a way to distinquish the opening fight from franks outburst better.
{} Achievement Unlocked; 50G
This I Promise You
"Leave the readers hanging until the next chapter is uploaded, with the promise of a particular even."
Date:May 7 2013 Chapter:Chapter 3 - The THIRD chapter
{} Achievement Unlocked; 30G
Evolution Is The Solution
"Endure a battle that causes an apparent weakling to evolve into a more powerful Pokemon."
Date:Aug 19 2013 Chapter:Chapter 6 - The Fourth Chapter Before 10
Date:Aug 19 2013 Chapter:Chapter 7