AGNPH Stories

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More delicious Lunamew raep!


There is reason to cheer when an experiment works perfectly, and reason to dread when it goes horribly wrong. What happens when everything goes perfectly and still ends up horribly wrong?


A young girl starts her journey as a Pokemon trainer. Will she make it to the top? What dangers will she face? What situations will she have to get out of? No one knows....


Bob gets a strange Espeon for his but no-one knows why this particular Espeon is so strange

this story contains scenes of a sexual nature if you are under the age of 18 then you should not be reading thisDisclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.



Just a test on my skills to write combat


The story of a Latios who fell into the hands of cruel fate.

Disclamer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.



Annabelle is a pious farmhand who thinks too highly of herself. When she breaks the heart of her pursuer one too many times, she has to pay the cost.

Note: No pokemon beasties belong to me, obviously. They all belong to the Japanese dude that we all know and appreciate, yadda, yadda, yadda. You get the idea, no?


A story of my Manaja inc. crew in their own story of love,trajedy, action and the stupidest thing of all.....Drama *chills go down my spine* fuck i hate drama.


There's a reason guardians are given offerings...



This is the true tale of the life of Hamos. He is the guardian of the Elemental Forrest. He protects everyone from the evil that lies in this world and maybe even another. Along his journey he learns about the hidden powers inside, the knowledge he possesses and the talents that not many have. Time and time again he faces tragic and depressing times that seem to outweigh all the wonderful moments he has. Nevertheless, he also has to face the darkness within himself that grows stronger each day. He has one of the only pure souls within this world and each day he is faced with hard choices and the guilt he will carry from the lives he has to take. Still, even facing all that he does, his heart remains it's gentle self and anyone would call themselves lucky to be his friend.

(I will be adding tags as the story progresses)



What would happen if portals between worlds started opening, dumping people into totally new surroundings? Read on to find out!

This is an Altoshipping fanfic, for those of you who care. The match just seems so obvious...



The date is December 21, 2012. The day of supposed Armageddon according to many. It's the afternoon. People have lost their fear of anything bad happening. Suddenly a large meteor passes over and hits the ground. Earthquakes and tsunami are started worldwide, dust is thrown miles into the air and spreads out starting a nuclear winter. People then realize it truely is the end of the world. Many die, few survive. Hector and his family are one of the few survivors. What happens when Pokemon and Humans, who have been at war with each other for years now, are forced to work together to survive?

Most Recent Update: Last chapter to this story is complete and posted. Enjoy!

Special thanks to: jurgenwulf for being the cure to my writers block and also for being my goto guy for some ideas and info.


Ok, so yeah..this is the follow-up to "One Of Those Nights" that everyone said I should do. Everyone also said I should do it from the Vulpix's perspective, but...well, that'll be next. :P

For now, just go ahead and enjoy this. (Also, good gawd it's short... ;-; )



A young eevee gril a professional hacker, finds out there is more to the world than just computers. After finding out how interesting stuff, she thought before were disgusting, can be, she finds forced to give a group of people access to a weapon, which will lead to world domintaion....


A story about a Pokemon named Sora who is actually a human. he meets up Riku and starts a team within the wigglytuff guild. this is where the real story begins.