AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:violence


April 10: New evolution-enhancing drug, EvolutionX is made widely available in the Eterna Marketplace.

April 13: 1/8 of EvolutionX consumers have reported developing flu-like symptoms.

April 13- 5:20 PM: Mutilated body of Zachary Keen is found.

April 13- 8:19 PM: PRO Bravo Team is dispatched to investigate the Eterna Forest after reports of cannibalistic attacks. PRO Alpha Team is sent to sweep through Eterna City shortly afterwards.

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April 14- 1:56 AM: Morena Sergei, species classification: Flygon, is killed. Companion Sam Chaplain succumbs to the Thyxemia Virus quickly thereafter.


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To say that Aegis Breckin is a badass would be an understatement: she smokes, she drinks, and is one among the most elite in the Sinnoh Region's black operations squad. Looking out exclusively for herself, she works as a mercenary in her spare time, granting her services to whoever can pay her the most.

When called into action late at night, Breckin is expecting a routine sweep, maybe even a pickup for a classified package. Leaving her bunk to find the entire base in disorder, she soon finds out that there is another matter at hand entirely after her superiors assign her under Human Unit 119's squad, one of the most prestigious squads in the entire military base.

The mission: neutralize every living citizen in the Eterna City area. Unfortunately for Aegis and the rest of her team, their superiors never told them about the viral-spawned mutants roaming the city.

Antihero Contest Submission 2010

Rated XXX for: Rape (sexual content), creature violence, explicit depictions of brutality and gore, language, and strongly disturbing content

Companion story to Biohazard and Halloween 2009's Biohazard: The City of the Damned

Characters/ Tags: Ononokusu, Lapras, Jaroda, Raichu


When one looks back on their life, they will almost definitely feel joy, sorrow, and perhaps even hate. Most people look back on their lives and regret decisions they made. When love becomes a component, however, your views can become quite skewed.

Follow Desmond as he is coerced into going back through his life, whether or not he wants to.



Let's see...this was a request by the tripfag Alexander over at /vp/, the pokemon board of I'd gone back and forth with him a lot over requests; first he had requested something with a Tyrogue, then we decided someone else should do it and make it straight, then he asked me about a request of this nature with the first two fire/fighting starters, I said sure, I had no idea what Mystery Dungeon was so I played through Red Rescue team...all in all, lot of delays on this one. Regardless, it turned out pretty well, all things considered. To make this clear: I change both the perspective and the tense twice. It was an attempt at being artsy (and not because I didn't realize I had changed the tense while I was writing it and got lazy about changing it back). These are indicated by tildes (~).

Aaaaaaand GO!



This guy took me awhile to write. It was originally a request by the tripfag Brokar over at /vp/, the pokemon board of I figured I'd make it a quickie. It turned into the longest thing I'd ever written. Mother of God, I was proud of it. Still am. Hope you enjoy!


Second fic of my career, first request story. As the title implies, it was requested by the tripfag Furrets at /vp/, the pokemon board of We talk often now :). My only regret is that I can't seem to upload the corresponding pic I had drawn for it. If you want to see that, you can check out my account over at I go by iguessineedanaccount.


 A brash Pikachu hunts down Legendary Pokémon in the hopes of becoming one himself. Even with powers beyond that of any regular Pokémon and two comrades to constantly screw around with, his lighthearted demeanor belies something far more sinister...



Humans don't always treat their Pokémon right, and when things go too far, sometimes their Pokémon break away to live on their own. Other times, the humans cruelly let disappointing Pokémon go, abandoning them heartlessly. It is this heartlessness that has caused many Pokémon to seek out "Paradise," a fabled haven apart from humans, hoping to be safe and happy forever.

Eight Pokémon, bearing some scar of the past, whether it be physical, mental, or even both, come together in a forest, all with a goal common of many Pokémon recently: to find Paradise and be happy and free forever. They are mostly loners, but as they come together, they come to know that they'll need each other to survive the chaos that will ensue as they realize that it's not just humans they have to worry about...


This is the sequel of Legendary Chaos (or S.T.A.R. Encounters on that everyone's been bugging me to do.

BlazerRaylock for the whole chapter and me for the edit and stuff so yeah, please rate and review.


This is where I'm gonna put anything that could have been a part of one of my other stories, or is too small for me to consider putting up as a standalone. It's also where I'd place requests (If I ever got one XD)


Follow Tom Blakely as he stays a night in Hotel Abulux, and take on a simple job. At least, that was his plan. Tom gets himself dragged into a world of deceit and mysteries as this Ex-detective tries to uncover the truth behind Hotel Abulux, and find the one man who knows the truth behind everything...



A laboratory succeeds in opening a portal to another world. They send in the head scientist's 16 year old son and he finds himself in the wierdest predicament ever!


At the end of your life what will mean the most to you, will it be a favorite book, your family, or something that you never realized?


Reality is a cold, unforgiving place. In it there is a chance for un-imaginable pleasure and happiness, yet there is always the risk of failure. You may turn out to be hated, persecuted or killed for what you are and what you believe. For a young Pokémon venturing out of the imaginary and into the latter part of reality, how will he fare on his journey to the top?



(2010 Occult Themed Contest Entry.)
When enough people push you over the edge, you can find yourself in many places, feeling many different emotions, especially when seeking your revenge. You can feel happiness for the first time in a long while, you can feel the void in your heart filled, you feel a sense of accomplishment. You can almost never feel remorse.

All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author.



Something has gone terribly wrong. The world of Pokemon will be forever changed. Only a few survivors are left of the destruction. This is their tale of survival...or is it?

Sexless for the time being.