AGNPH Stories

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My name is Angel, and I'm a Zoroark. I just just recently moved here to the Cafe to start my work. This was my second night working here, and I'm very anxious about my first customer, who will hopefully give me a good first experience as a waitress here~


On a dark, stormy night, at a cafe outside a small town, a man gets out of his car, and enters the cafe, not knowing what to expect when he gets the male Typhlosion, Jack, as his waiter that night. He learns quickly why Jack is one of the favorites~

Rated:XXX [Reviews: 1]


A shy and lonely girl enjoys her romance novel, unaware that her prince has been there all along.



Prologue to my larger story, cross over of pokemon and a videogame i frequently play. Our main man trying to get back to his world and stuff happens before he can gets back.


A lone Feraligatr wakes up in the middle of a meadow and wonders, who he is and how he got there. He travels the woods looking for answers till he stumbles upon a dangerous situation where a small girl, was getting attack by a group of sycthers. He figure he should should help her out but she seemed to handle herself pretty well. But get swarmed soon after, he steps in to save her. She passes out soon after, so not only he has to deal with himself he now have to deal with a really strong small girl as well.



A collection of snippets from larger stories that are yet to be written. This is primarily a dumping ground for ideas that haven't found their footing. Seeking criticism and reviews.


The thrill of battle. It's what many trainers strive for and what many more use to motivate themselves. Top contenders in a special tournament hosting Mixed Martial Arts competitions between Trainers and Pokemon alike, Macy and her partner Pokemon Leon, a Hitmonchan, strive to win it all, and in the process, find a way to keep their growing taboo a secret...


Offshoot from Vaporeon's New Life.

After two years of being a parent, Gardevoir has had enough of never getting the final say in how her child is brought up.

This is NOT the final chapter to Vaporeon's New Life, that story is still being developed.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 2636 Views: 436
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Rediscover Zack's Pokemon journey with his Absol Katherine, his Sceptile Trent, his best friend May and the rest of his companions as his tale is retold and continued with deeper detail and fewer grammatical errors.



This is a sequel to the Pokemon WS comic Blue Crush by Argon Vile.

I wrote this as a fan piece. Blue Crush remains one of my favorite comics in the fandom and always had many ideas of what might happen to the characters after the comic. Argon Vile was awesome enough to let me do so, so this is the first piece I've done on it, there might be more, it all depends on the response and Argon Vile's permission :)

[Pg. 1 of 6]



When a college-bound trainer enjoying his last summer on the road adopts a pokemon fleeing her abusive captor, a combination of failed promises, shattered dreams, and broken hearts threaten to destroy his team.


If you were to tell Max of Petalburg City that it was his destiny to get assaulted by an Umbreon, eat out his older sister May, and possibly get a 'come on' from a Glaceon....he'd probably laugh out loud, look you in the eye, and ask 'What are the odds'?

Fetep 2 Contest Entry


A trainer leaves camp to go to town leaving his Pokemon to mind for his stuff... and each other.


Wassup everyone? Another story by me and PROKNIFER69.

Not my contest entry.


When shooting a movie, accidents are bound to happen. The same thing applies when shooting a porno.