AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:violence


Continuation after chapter 68


It's a bad time for the world.
Every day, crime and problems seem to be on the grow...
In order to help fight this problem, seven children have been chosen to be put to training and help defeat crime.

This is the story of those seven kids. Particularly of one who isn't exactly good at fighting... Or learning... Or anything at all.


This may blossom into a series, not entirely sure, but I think it has potential!

First Story:
An innocent Leafeon was walking through the forest one day, enjoying getting away from the bustle of the city life and napping in the forest. He was a trainer's pokemon, true, but felt the wild was his home. What happens when that home seems to turn on him? What will happen because of this?

Arbor Day Contest 2010 submission ^^


After seeing the most horrible of visions, a Gardevoir can make little sense of it until the worst thing happens to her. Will she know kindness no more afterwards?
This will be on hiatus for the time being. But to those that really enjoyed it, reast assured it wiil be continued/redone once Deliverance has been completed.


Charles is a Meowth, who was released into the wild by the Johtoan government after allegations of drug dealing against his Trainer. Now, homeless, he hopes to seek refuge somewhere safe. However, he steals from a Pokemon berry kingpin, getting himself in quite the dangerous situation. NOTICE: This was supposed to be the Arbor Day themed submission thingy, but since Charles is a Normal type, it doesn't count. So, it's just a regular one-shot.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.



The tales of the Firefang Clan, maybe. An all fire type clan, there are limited things that could be done here, but I'll try my best.



Some stories are about hope. Others are about happiness, overcoming something bigger than you, or trying to find love.

This story isn't one of those. Meet Tommy, a Larvitar. He should be happy, he's a hero because he saved his mother's life. But that isn't the case. This is the story why.



Two young Vulpixes get kidnapped, and are thrust into the world of adulthood years ahead of schedule.


A young Raichu is barely surviving on the cold streets of Littleroot. A chance encounter, a lucky rescue, sets her life on an entirely new course.


Alex is a young boy from Solaceon Town, who is still troubled by the loss of someone dear to him. But a trip to visit family in Hoenn leads to a fateful encounter that will change his life. This is his journey through the pokemon world.

(Updates... please see story notes)

New Chapter: Chapter 8: The Nature-Loving Princess


The story is about a is all you need to know, until you read.


The otherwise peaceful city of Earthford abounds with joy and energy in anticipation of the annual Showdown, an event where the greatest trainers gather to test their mettle against each other, and maybe even get a chance to meet a special guest. But there is a sense that all is not right behind the scenes, and two young contestants find themselves caught up in circumstances they may not be able to endure.

Completed June 2010.



Leith, a male buizel, and his best friend, Destyn who is a male eevee, love each other immensely. Leith would do anything to protect their relationship and he ends up proving it in this exciting and erotic adventure!

Valentine's Day 2010 Submission



Prelude: Over a thousand years ago, the world was a very different place. Humans had laid their claim to the land through a combination of being intelligent as well as being powerful. It had been through the use of magic, the ability to manipulate vast amounts of unseen energies that humanity had come to power. Unfortunately, magic soon corrupted the minds of the humans, making them greedy, thirsty for more power.

In an act of defiance and greed, mankind turned to hunt down Arceus herself. They failed and in retaliation, Arceus and the Council of Legends deemed the responsibility of magic too great for humans. They stopped the spread of magic by taking the ability from children and infants, thus preventing the arts from being passed down through the ages. Now forced to work along side the pokemon they had once enslaved, the world had been granted a new era of peace.

Now, in present day, many lost artifacts have begun to resurface; scrolls and staves; wands and tomes, all with the power to return magic to mankind. The Council gathered again and judged the humans. While much progress had been made, there were still several evil minds out there leading armies; armies that could with this magic return the world to darker times. Deciding that the responsibility of magic was still too great for mankind to bear, the Council took action to prevent its return. They recruited a small number of humans and pokemon to gather these artifacts and keep them hidden as they surfaced, until a time when man was ready to wield the ability to use magic a time when magic would once again be used for peace and harmony.


The tides of air carry the scents of love... and death.

When a couple on their honeymoon enter the isolated mining town of Anchorhead during the annual Valentine's Day Festival, everything seems to be running along perfectly. The citizens are generous, the streets are clean, and the festival is fun for all, but something seems out of place... As if everyone is on edge.

Little do Dan and Laura Evans know, a trail of sick killings committed by a deadly psychopath had taken place the previous year. Dubbed �The Valentine's Day Killer,� for his sick trademark of arranging his victims' jaws in the shapes of hearts, Dan and Laura find themselves in a difficult situation. He has escaped the psycho ward, and it's Valentine's Day.

*Special cameo appearances:

Tory and Malek from "Quest For a Christmas Kiss" by MetalChick

Rithiea Sazao from "Backdoor and Heartbreak" by Rio

2010 Valentine's Day Submission