AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:bestiality/zoophilia



Emily is allergic to most plants and cannot go on a poke'mon journey of her own. Her younger brother supplied her with two well-trained poke'mon on her birthday one year to cheer her up, a Feraligatr and a Flygon. The two poke'mon have developed feelings for her that go beyond the normal trainer and poke'mon relationship (outside of AGNPH) and both wish to accomodate some of her unfulfilled needs.


Living in a world that abhors pokephilia obviously isnt easy for a pokephiliac. So what can do you do? Join the Pokemon Club, indulge in your fantasies without fear of the law. If only, if only. Something like that couldnt possibly exist could it?

(Greetings from the future. One year in the future. That is, one year or so after I started writing this story. Looking back, wow this is a trainwreck of an opening. Gimme a break, I thought it all up on the spot, along with most of this story. Funfact, I originally planned for it not to have a deep story. I just wanted a bit of context to all the random ass smut I wanted to write. Oh I didn't get rid of that part. There's still a lot of smut to be had (almost none of it pertaining to the story actually) and that's probably the biggest reason behind the Club's popularity, Smut. I don't mind. That's kinda what I do: random smut. Dunno why you would be reading this story if you didn't like that.

Anyway, for those of who think you are, or know you're better than me (I know you're out there) please do give it a read past the first few chapters, painful as they may be. Pardon the trainwreck of an opening. Pardon my gary stu of a main character (none of his stu-ness affects the story, it's all for the smut) And pardon all the smut too. 90% of it is skippable anyway. I could use some actual feedback as to how I'm doing with putting this thing together. I appreciate it.)


Love is indeed a beast, one both fearsome and yet at the same time calming. However we talk about love in simple terms, in cards and candies, but what really is love? Some define love as a form of lust; others define it as wanting to spend the rest of your life with somebody, somebody...special.

However not all forms of love are accepted by society. Meet Ben and Athena, a human and lucario who love each other, but because of the laws of society their love is forbidden and thus they don't tell each other of their true feelings. However, when a day special to her trainer comes around, she finally leaps the gap of unlawful love and professes her feelings to her trainer.

I would like to make it known that this story was written for a special somebody in my life, my boyfriend, but I have posted it here for everybody to enjoy. I hope you enjoy this lucario, I did it for you. Know that I do, and always will, love you.

Valentine's Day 2010 Submission


Ghosts exist for many reasons. Unfinished business, usually. The ghostly Flareon that inhabits the Burnt tower has unfinished business indeed, as reporter Ian is about to find out...

Valentine's Day 2010 Submission


The gang has set up camp in a serene, remote section of woods. While there, Pikachu formulates and enacts a plan, the objective of which, is Misty.


The tides of air carry the scents of love... and death.

When a couple on their honeymoon enter the isolated mining town of Anchorhead during the annual Valentine's Day Festival, everything seems to be running along perfectly. The citizens are generous, the streets are clean, and the festival is fun for all, but something seems out of place... As if everyone is on edge.

Little do Dan and Laura Evans know, a trail of sick killings committed by a deadly psychopath had taken place the previous year. Dubbed �The Valentine's Day Killer,� for his sick trademark of arranging his victims' jaws in the shapes of hearts, Dan and Laura find themselves in a difficult situation. He has escaped the psycho ward, and it's Valentine's Day.

*Special cameo appearances:

Tory and Malek from "Quest For a Christmas Kiss" by MetalChick

Rithiea Sazao from "Backdoor and Heartbreak" by Rio

2010 Valentine's Day Submission


A man gets trapped with the type of person he cant stand. How could it possibly get any worse?

Human x Gardevoir


New and improved! A Mightyena confesses his love for his trainer.



The tale of a Boy, and a Mew...and how their paths cross.


Continue to follow the adventures of Mark, Sean and J.C. as they wander the world. Sequel to Gardevoir Archives.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


As a refugee of the wars that occurs on other worlds sees love on Earth, his friends--and enemies--follow him. With the humans fighting desperately to save him, Takeru must learn that when love and war crossbreed, it all goes straight to hell.



My name is Brandy. When I was a Clefairy, I was taken from my home on Mt. Moon by a despicable human and forced to do some of the most awful things imaginable... all at his cruel hands. That was just the start of it, but those times would continue to haunt me as I kept moving, kept dreaming, and kept believing that maybe things would get better. This is my story of my struggle for happiness, my struggle of discovering what love actually is, and my struggle to return to the place I was taken away from... home.

Waning Heart is a story about a Clefairy taken from her home that's forced to evolve and is then raped by a terrible human. But past its dark beginning, this story is about getting better, about recovering from tragedy, about false beliefs and deception, and about finding happiness in the end. At least so she hopes...

The second half of this story can be found in the story Waxing Moon and it continues where this one leaves off.



A flareon named Ember has spent almost her entire life with Wilson. Their hearts were woven together by time, as they slowly realized their love for each other. This story tells the tale of these two, as their love gets put to the test.


A short story about a trainer and his Absol spending some quality time together.


He was an academic genius, teachers pet, and valedictorian of his school. But does he really have what it takes to apply what he learned to be succesful?