AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:bestiality/zoophilia


I'm Trinity, an Eevee anthro who used to live in the wild. After being caught by morons who attempted to turn me into a slut, I was sold to Nick, my kind and caring master who showed me that all humans aren't bad. Now I'm the best friend and lover of a human. I'm telling this story so that all of you other fearful anthros out there can see that humans aren't ALL bad.


One of the largest schools in the world: Halcyon University. I've studied up on this place but as you'll see there are some things you can only learn through experience.

Join Calvin Lee in his quest to kick ass, take names, and deliver the mail.

Mannnn there are gonna be a lot of combos in this story. I really wish they would add more character tags >.>

I come from the future. Do not read this story. It is shite.


Just another story of a treasure hunter and his Lucario. Original, yeah I know right?


A young man, bored with life and the world, is suddenly united with a being that by all physical laws shouldn't exist. A pokemon.


Kado, a first time trainer, decides that he wants to go on the gym challenge, and not just the Kanto gyms. But Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh's gyms as well. Kado will have to go through tough challenges and find out things about himself that no one would have seen coming.


Milo Serret is a 27-year-old former trainer who now works for a technology company. He also happens to be burnt out on life. His Weavile Glade has been with him for years, but her attempts to shake him loose from his reverie may end up having unintentional side effects.

Story is entirely PG for now, but will eventually (hopefully) be a lemon, and the rating will change accordingly when that time comes.



Ash finally succeeds in his dream of becoming a Pokemon Master. But as he goes home to celebrate his victory, a group of females has something 'evil' planned for him.


Just Another trainer starting his journey, or is he? Chris will find that things don't go as smoothly as planned, and will have to face his own past to save the future of the world.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own pokemon and any and all characters in this story related to or from pokemon belongs to the company that owns pokemon. Any original characters belong to me. Also, there is some material in this story that is not suitable for minors, and,as such, if you are below the legal viewing limit then do not read this story. If you read chapter fifteen or later (when the smut begins) then you consent that you are over 18 or 21, depending on regional laws.


This is my first written requested story. The plot and story line was developed by DeCaf, so all credit goes to him.

A boy that has more in common with the pokemon world then with the human one. He particularly has a fondness for the eevee family and the ranch where he now works at is full of them. However, what he doesnʼt know is that there is someone special there who will change his life for the better like he has never experienced before.


This is the second installment of chapters for the Journey. I wont say what the next set of chapters is about, so you'll just have to read to find out.

Though I will say this. Within these new chapters I hope to put more Pokemon battles, sword fights, and of course Love scenes.


Isaac, a 19-year-old trainer, obtains a Riolu. They form a bond stronger than the likes of which we've ever seen. Meanwhile, dark forces are watching, waiting for the right moment. Memories from the past shall help to protect the future.



A girl named Grace finds herself in a particularly stressful situation; a diabolical scientist has made her into a pokemon breeding machine! Follow her adventures as she discovers herself and the sensual detail of the endangered pokemon around her.

You are, of course, more than welcome to write me reviews and drop by suggestions for other pokemon for her to breed with!Oh, I should mention that if you are requesting a non-legendary (I just thought of this!) create a scenario for it.


Jim is a new trainer who's still learning the ropes, and is practicing with his Dad's Arcanine. However, he's soon going to learn a lesson about how far the bond between trainer and pokemon can go on one lazy summer afternoon...


A fem Mewtwo escapes from a lab to gain her freedom only to be captured by a trainer, but then she thinks about what freedom really means.



When a Mudkip, Tarra, finds a Charmander, Charm, injured on the beach, she does what she can to help him. Little do they know that Charm will repay her by helping restore Treasure Towns glory of when it still had a working Guild.