AGNPH Stories

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“Everyone knows human and pokémon have been friends for a long time, but few actually wonder how it all came to be. And almost no one knows. But I do. So let me tell you a tale. A tale about the first trainer."



A growlithe almost lost his life trying to save his friend. Though that life threating experience changed him inside and out. This change not only affected his appearance, but his life as well.


As chaos begins to fall over the 10 Providences of the Mainland, the inter-providential police force, Arcanine-mounted knights known as Arc Riders, have become less trusted and disrespected. Two Riders, Alaric and Lyria, have been caught in the midst of the struggle and fight to discover its source and bring it to a halt.


The story of an Umbreon and all the fun things she does.


The life of a Flygon. Put quite plainly and simply.

His life however, is shaken up when a rather interesting female happens to drop out of the sky.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: No Word Count: 7005 Views: 1270
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Jim is a new trainer who's still learning the ropes, and is practicing with his Dad's Arcanine. However, he's soon going to learn a lesson about how far the bond between trainer and pokemon can go on one lazy summer afternoon...


Stacie, a stunky 'morph and Gwen, a Glameow 'morph are high school students hanging out together during the last days of summer. Gwen finally decides to get enough courage to ask her friend some more, intimate questions...



Not much to this one, Paul and Kit, a Clefable and Mudkip 'morph respectively, decide to do a little webcam fun...

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 1608 Views: 514
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


(A request from AbleArcher)
Dear Reader,
Growing up alongside someone else really makes you attached to them. You grow to love them and you'd do absolutely anything to see them happy. To me, that person is my brother, Joule. He has been with me through it all and he is my brother, my family. And now he needs me, and I want to make sure that he is happy.



This story picks up where Kanto North left off. Alexei the absol finds himself under the command of a different agent in a different place. With it, he finds himself on a mission to rescue a very distant friend in defiance of an increasingly corrupt and hostile system he works in. All while the orchestrator of the shift in Team politics starts to make preparations to carve out his empire.


Eterna City: 2019. Population: 598,000 and falling. Rapidly.

In 2019 Doctor Nethaniel Jackson will create a miracle evolutionary-enhancing supplement that will change Pokemon training forever. Ultimately, the EvolutionX drug will not only significantly boost the power of an evolved Pokemon, but have another deadly, unintentional effect that will set the gears of the apocalypse in motion.

Follow the Pokemon Rescue Organization Bravo Team as they begin a long and perilous fight for survival. Trapped. And with no way out.

*5/18/2014 Update: Remake in progress. Approximate release date TBA.


I've had this tale writing itself in my head for a while now, and I thought it was about time to make a permanent copy.

this is basically a rewrite of the old story "little red riding hood" with a bit of twist. let's just say something different happens when red gets eaten...


Set in the times before the 'civilised' pokemon world, when the lands of Tienne and Kyrell war with eachother. The story of a soldier caught up in the middle, his only anchor in the world, and exactly how easy it is to lose ones grip on sanity, and why revenge is not always everything.

Rated R for some probably quite disturbing violence.

Vengeance Theme Submission



This is where me and my good friend, Miley, are going to post the requests we write. We are the Writing Renegades. If you have a request for us, don't post it in a review, send me an e-mail. We will accept stories of any rating(G-XXX), but please read my bio for info on what we will write. I will e-mail you back if we are going to write your story, or if we have a question about it. One last thing, don't send me requests when there is something listed in the "current story" portion (see story notes below). The last thing we would want is to be sidetracked from a story/chapter that we're working on by another story. When we are ready to take requests, I will post "Taking requests" under the Current Story portion. Please review our work. Questions/concerns are welcome in the form of an e-mail. Thank you.



A young boy meets a Eevee they soon become best friends. despite the fact that they are pretty much complete opposites. Together they will soon have many adventures.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 3
  • Completed: No Word Count: 4269 Views: 1717
  • Published: Aug 23 2012