AGNPH Stories


David's life is nothing but boring and being lonely. But that all changes when he watches a movie, and that movie will change his life forever! Chapter 22 now updated!

Ch.22: Getting A Girl's Advice

OC (own character): David Cheng
Characters Not Categorized On This Website: Grovyle/Treecko, Latias, Latios


This is the first of what will hopefully be many stories surrounding Strauss and his numerous military exploits...stretching back into the day when he was a lone Private to becoming a leader of his own squad. Look to seeing more like this in the near future, if time permits me.

(A story made by a good friend of mine. I decided to place it up, with his permission, to see how well it goes.)



A trainer's Erotic adventure with his many Pokemon.


Aurora the Guardian Suicune is in need of help from her mate Entei, but too bad company is over and Suicune will just have to fend for herself. This is a August 2010 Contest Submission: Going Solo. Please enjoy this, and I do hope to get some feed back. If you have questions as to her unusual abilities feel free to ask me. Just know that she is a guardian of her Pokemon world, meaning she is the only suicune with these kinds of powers. And the only one with her coloring as well.


A girl is sent out to handle a task for a Pokemon trainer, with little experience about the creatures and no badges to prove her worth. She quickly learns that there is more than meets the eye to this craft.

Major roles: Raichu, Seviper, Human.



Come into a world of tales that revolve around a group of the evolutions of Eevee. You might just like what you see and nothing may ever be the same again.

~ July 'Bring The Heat' Contest ~


My name is Jade and my story is one that may or may not be familiar to you. It is a story of finding love in the most unexpected of places. It is about the taboos of life and my struggles with guilt and temptation. It's a story that I'm sure you've all heard before, but not like mine. For my story is about the love I share for my most trusted friend Leo...

A Shiny Blaziken.


Follow the story of Aria and Jakar, two lucarios who lived in the 15th century of the Pokémon world. In Zazhei, what is to become known as Sinnoh in the future, dark forces seek conquest and make their first steps in the same city that Aria and Jakar call home, Azkrazak.


Latios has always had dreams. They may not have been as clean as others, but they were his dreams none the less. When circumstances drop one his dreams into his lap, he will get more than he could have imagined.

"July Bring the Heat Contest 2010"


A white dragon named Ice travels from world to world taking notes of his travels, but when he ends up in the pokemon world and something follows him that's not supposed too. What will happen then...


A group of explorers are on a journey to find the treasure of a famous pirate. On the way, their friendship will grow, and might even flourish into something else.

Rated:XXX [Reviews: 1]


A story about a boy and his mawile.

A submission for the July Bring the Heat Contest 2010.


A shiny Vibrava finally makes his desired evolution into a Flygon, and proceeds to have two experiences that he'll never soon forget.

July Bring the Heat Contest 2010 Submission - 4th Place

Original Finished Date - Jul 28 2010
Featured Story - 08/05/10


Alright I'm gonna pull a Havoc here. These will be full stories, well sort of. They wont be too plot-heavy that's for sure. Though I may not do a lot of requests, when I DO do them, they'll be here. Request if you want but know this, I wont be so lenient with these. I'll accept almost anything for the Club but not here, there are a few rules you have to follow if you're going to request a story.

One: The pokemon has to have NEVER been done before. The POKEMON, not the gender pairing.(Chapter one is exempt since it was made before this rule)
Two: No Male/Male, No Vore, No Castration, No Scat, none of the hard stuff.
Three: The story MUST have sex in it. I am a HUGE perv and I love smut. Therefore, that's what I do.

Four: I really wasn't going to make this part of the criteria but for the sake of my boner, one of the two characters must be human.That's pretty much it. Requests can be as vague or as detailed as you want but I reserve the right to change things in order to make it make more sense.Note:The percent status' of your requests (Should I choose to accept them) will be displayed in my bio.

Important(er) Note Requests are closed for now. Once I finish all of them all up, that'll be the end of the new and obscure for a little bit.

Important Note: I have a new way of doing requests. Every request is posted in my bio. If you want you can vote on one you like. I'll pick whichever I like, BUT I'm only vote, if I'm outvoted I'll do whatever got the most votes. You dont have to review each time, PM me, send me an email, IM, I dont care. This'll keep me from doing every one in a straight line and it'll put a little more power in everyone else's hands but mine.


A young man and his Dragonair have some 'alone time'.

July Bring the Heat Contest 2010 submission