AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:male/female



Umbreon (M) / Vulpix (F) Rape, random story!


River, a female espeon halfbreed, suffers a reacurring and very disturbingly real prophetic nightmare of her trainer's demise at the hands of a monster, and goes
to extreme lengths to protect him
Written on request by: AbleArcher


An average teenager takes off on his journey to become a pokemon master. But on his journey across Sinnoh, he will discover villains, friends, rivals, and maybe even love.



A zangoose named Aven has given up hope for love, until met by Laura, a female zangoose who just might save his life.


Ashley one day stumbles onto her brother Jolt fucking a Vulpix and blackmails him into being her slave but as time goes on Ashley developes forbidden feelings for her brother that goes beyond a simple sibling's love...


This is the first Poke'Mon story that I have written in about two years. Most of my work is sidestream furry work that can be found on Yiffstar, under the account name Anatomically Incorect. I'll be honest, I'm pretty oldschool when it comes to Poke'Mon, I know the original 150(in order no less), and I don't really like all that many of the newer ones (I mean, when Yellow came out I was skeptical). So you can imagine how this story will turn out to be.

[This was the previous Summary.]


The story begins with a young trainer, a mundane average kid, beginning to train Pokemon. He's given an egg before he leaves, the egg of a Riolu. Through out their time together, the Riolu evolves into a Lucario, and they begin to live, laugh, and love together. Miles away, a traveler wakes up to nightmares of his creation. Memories of lab tables, operations, blood transfusion, neural growth, and pain fill his head. His mind is locked from him, he walks on the edge of death, only wanting to avenge his suffering sevenfold.

The world is broken, the lives of these people will soon change.



A young boy's introduction to his grandparents' Riolu, who becomes his first Pokemon as he starts his journey. Along the way he discovers what a bond between a Pokemon and its trainer is truly worth, and what it really means.



Based on the Year 2057. Plot inspired by Elie Wiesel's "Night"

The earlier days were filled with fear about how the future would be placed with Anti-Pokemon Cultists began appearing all around the world. This is the story of the few Pokemon who NEARLY ended the entire Anti-Pokemon War.


While training his pokemon near Mt. Coronet, Will comes across a rare find and an even rarer memory.


This is a very generic story. Some of the names might seem familiar from my other story. This is intentional but the two are not related. Its set in the future of the pokemon world but roughly modern times for us. Its about a soldier who learns the truth about a war that has been waging for all time.
UPDATE: THIS STORY IS ON HIATUS like my other one, but for much longer. I will work on this one once I finish book 1. There is a reason for this as you will discover. You'll just have to hold on and wait.
General disclaimer
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners; Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures Inc, and Pokemon Inc. The original characters and plot are the property of the author, me. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


The Pokemon world is now ran by a man named Chris with great power and the Ketchums must fight to save the world from what Chris has created.but what of Ashley's memories from a life long forgotten? The third installment of the PUL series has begun! ENJOY!


A boy comes home from a stressful day to find his Ninetales is in love with him.


Its a story where a kid is dragged into a strange world where humans and strange creatures called pokemon. With the help of a Larvitar named Sanagirasu he blends in and tries to find his way home. A lot happens. Read to find out what happens.

Current teams:(for easy reference, for me and you) This list will update as the story does.

Mech: Sanagirasu(Tyranitar), Subomi(Roserade), Darunia(Charizard), Erureido(Gallade), Guma(Linoone), Ruto(Lapras)
Rouro(Larvitar) Bella(Buisel), Ben(Buisel), Ziggy(Zigzagoon), Rarutos(Ralts)

Bob:Naetoru(Torterra), Mukkuru(Staraptor), Shio(Luxray), Kan(Gastradon), Nabooru(Riolu), Impa(Frosslass)

Ganty: Kyukon(Ninetales), Plusun(Plusle/Minun), Buoysel(Buisel), Farore(Gallade), Nyctea(Noctowl)

Gardie(there are more but I'm lazy): Saria(Maganium), Jess(Chickorita/Growlithe)Sorry. This series is dead and I have unfortunatly lost interest. I will make a formal post on this later.



Laura, 14, and starting her pokemon journey. After a horrible storm she takes refuge in a poke centre and ultimately saves a boy named Gabriel. They begin their jouney together with unique companions, they make timeless friends and endless enemies.