AGNPH Stories

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Mewtwo has defeated Mew and his time of triumph draws near. No one can stop him now... or is it? The pink female might be smarter than she appears to be... ( Mewtwo x Mew , consentual , one-shot )


In this world where Pokemon are treated as a threat to many humans, there is now hope as the Pokemon Defenders rise up and rebel against the Pokemon Elimination Force. But in the midst of this chaos lies more threats that cannot be comprehended, and while Earth is tearing itself apart with war, the evil slips in and destroys what has been weakened. This is a world that lives upon Code: Anti-Pokemon, this is what life is like when humans and Pokemon are at war with each other.




a story inspired by

A female Floatzel goes searching for food in the forest and gets attacked by lots of Mankey and Primape. A Nidoking and Nidorino come and rescue her before she gets hurt, but they end up taking advantage of her when she offers to repay them.



a nice night with a trainer and her pokemon

pokemon does not belong to me, nor will i ever own pokemon



A lone Umbreon wants someone to be his mate forever. He thinks he's found her.



This is a series of rp's done by me and Jewelwriter. (Yes, she's the same one that's helping me with the commentary on team)

The story revolves around the exploits of two up and coming trainers, Robie (who wants to be a pokemon master) and his childhood friend Sandi (aiming to be top coordinator). Along the way, they meet and evil group, and find out things about themselves.


A lucky playing Pokemon tries his luck in a contest. That's all I'm saying at this location here.



A young Chikorita morph decides to challenge the Gym Leader, but if she loses, she must pay the Penalty!



A young trainer at the age of 16 has set off on his quest with his new partner Kari who is a Riolu.
A hidden past and lost race are catching up with the world.


This takes place during the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl series after Dawn catches a Buneary. As many of you know, Buneary instantly fell in love with Pikachu and of course, the story's based on those two, so I hope you all enjoy reading this one!



Every month, under the full moon, Umbreon hides and waits for his secret glimpse of the ice bird, Articuno. However, this month, things take a much more erotic turn.



A story of no real beginning and no real end, Ouroboros broken in its ageless cycle of beginning and end. Tear open the walls of the eternal circle and peer inside won't you?

Two trainers, their Pokemon, a life after the Fractus Ouroboros.


This is a collection of bits and pieces of things that happened in my series, but they were never really gone over in story length detail. They include how the Love Blossom Festival started, Inferno's puphood and death, and even Inferno's time serving Orochi.

If you'd like another piece of details from my series, comment on such...I might do it, though I can't make a promise if I don't feel it.

New Chapter: The Serpent's Rise

Team by


The gang has slain Orochi, and Inferno's back. They're looking forward to some relaxation and rest after their massive battle, but an all to familiar group has come to the area. With their eyes set on rare and powerful pokemon, the group is bound to be noticed. But to defeat this new threat, they'll need help...from an unlikely source.

And please...tell me what you think of this newest input into the series.


I wrote this story for Onigrift! A female bunny goes to a night club. She is found out by a kind male Ninetales. Find out what happens next when the todd works his charm.

Original Completion Date: 3-29-2008