AGNPH Stories

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The Pokemon world is now ran by a man named Chris with great power and the Ketchums must fight to save the world from what Chris has created.but what of Ashley's memories from a life long forgotten? The third installment of the PUL series has begun! ENJOY!


A boy comes home from a stressful day to find his Ninetales is in love with him.


Its a story where a kid is dragged into a strange world where humans and strange creatures called pokemon. With the help of a Larvitar named Sanagirasu he blends in and tries to find his way home. A lot happens. Read to find out what happens.

Current teams:(for easy reference, for me and you) This list will update as the story does.

Mech: Sanagirasu(Tyranitar), Subomi(Roserade), Darunia(Charizard), Erureido(Gallade), Guma(Linoone), Ruto(Lapras)
Rouro(Larvitar) Bella(Buisel), Ben(Buisel), Ziggy(Zigzagoon), Rarutos(Ralts)

Bob:Naetoru(Torterra), Mukkuru(Staraptor), Shio(Luxray), Kan(Gastradon), Nabooru(Riolu), Impa(Frosslass)

Ganty: Kyukon(Ninetales), Plusun(Plusle/Minun), Buoysel(Buisel), Farore(Gallade), Nyctea(Noctowl)

Gardie(there are more but I'm lazy): Saria(Maganium), Jess(Chickorita/Growlithe)Sorry. This series is dead and I have unfortunatly lost interest. I will make a formal post on this later.



Laura, 14, and starting her pokemon journey. After a horrible storm she takes refuge in a poke centre and ultimately saves a boy named Gabriel. They begin their jouney together with unique companions, they make timeless friends and endless enemies.


A trainer by the name of Kiaace meets an injured absol on his journey, and is forced to don a pair of gauntlets.



This is a side progect i was doing while i make my real story. probably the only one that i'll ever do wich doesnt have a pokemon as a main character. also,my grammar sucks. ignore my bad grammar, im Dyslexic so i have a reason. dont rate it down cos grammar can get fucked for all i care.



A Happly alone Zangoose finds a reason to exist beyond living for himself.



A young Latino girl is transformed into a Girafarig by a slight oversight in a pop magic ritual.
Warnings include: Accidental transformation, humiliation, 'Mon masturbating (not sure if that counts as bestiality)


Consider this like a porno and you'll be able to enjoy this. No ferals here, just Anthromorphics set up in a western like fashion. The only real pokemon of feral sorts is the weapons. Have fun.


This story is about a kid named Joe who is, well, emotionally lacking. To other trainers he seems like a heartless robot, but his pokemon know him as the most kindhearted, gentle human they ever met. One day he rescues a wild female Zangoose from a couple of Hitmonlees and she wants to help him learn to show some emotion.



Seth, a simple man, meets Layla, a Lucario destined to change the Pokemon world forever. This is their tale.



This is a story of two Quilava friends and one's like and reaction to maple syrup... and the things that happen afterwards.

This was written for Germ, I hope you like it as much as I did writing it.


An "adult" pokemon story where Eevee evolutions welcomes the newest ones to their family.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: No Word Count: 11784 Views: 2529
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


It all starts in the small city of Elden, a lonely but quirky male mudkip name Jake meets a beautiful pink-shiny female mudkip, Pretta, at his high school. With the help of his two best friends, a young-acting eevee, Zack, and a supportive linoone, Cameron, Jake risks his own life, reputation, and passion for porn in order to impress and win the heart of Pretta and hopes to live life at the happiest.


While browsing the web, a young man encounters a site that hosts sessions with real Pokémorphs. Unfortunately, what he thought was a simple cosplayed relief, will change his life forever. (oneshot with possible spin-offs/sequels to come)