AGNPH Stories

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What lies within the forbidding night? Between the bounds of reality, and nightmares, there is a true fatality. Do not fall asleep, or be the truth of the unleashed horrors. There is nowhere to hide anymore... (Sequel to "Kyra: The Order of the Full Moon".)


A little biography of my character (Engl is pronounced Angel)



Only a matter of time before your luck rolls into a certain direction. (Contains Feral and Morph Pokemon.)



A defenseless Caterpie is saved by a young Pikachu. After a few awkward situations and deep conversations, their feelings toward each other grow, and they decide to try something out...


Meil, alone in a world that never seems to be on his side, is suprised to find a Riolu, neglected in an alleyway. No matter how hard he trys to convince himself, he can't help the feelings he has towards her. (Reviews would be appreciated.) ::COMPLETE::


Umm... if you ever wondered how voltorbs could have sex... read this.



Flashback to Poke Ranger Rauls teenage years and his first experience at poke-sex!


Human x Pokemon



It's a bittersweet story of a Mightyena female who has to grow up fast and a Houndoom male who inadvertently heralds a war.


Cara had always been ridiculed by her cousins for not being a "true" Pokemon Trainer. But when she goes to catch herself a worthy Pokemon, she find thats it would've been better staying at home. CaraXEntei


Aira always washed the dishes after her cousins had made her angry. But this time it seems her Blaziken thinks she needs some comforting.



An artist gets involved in his art in a different way. (It's been ages since I wrote so sorry if this doesn't turn out right.)



This story is based around the time of the Johto Journeys. I picked this for the obvious drama I could get from Chikorita but it is expanding byond my initial concept.
It has also become an exercise in creative writing. Many of the things I'm writing into these stories (such as furry sex, bestiality or lesbianism) don't actually hold any interest for me or in a couple of cases actually weird me out. Having quite a lot of experience fic writing I decided that rather than just diss a genre I am going to make an attempt to understand it and while I'm not sure how it comes out will meat everyones preferences I hope my readers will be pleased with the result.


Me as myself and Gardevoir, out of ball of course, on the ferry to Sinnoh. Dealing with seasickness and a certain male trainer with his Chu leads to much deserved time with Gardevoir. Me (Male)/Gardevoir (Female)


The first entry in the journal of a Butler who works in an estate... with an entire kaleidoscope of Eeveelutions to take care of!


Timestream protector Nate Underwood meets a girl in the past that could possibly end up with both of them imprisoned, or worse, dead.