AGNPH Stories


Teal, a vaporeon anthro, has an unexpected accident saving a drowning child at the Cerulean aquatics center (Misty's gym). Will his life turn for the worse?

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: No Word Count: 8378 Views: 1248
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


This is the second installment of chapters for the Journey. I wont say what the next set of chapters is about, so you'll just have to read to find out.

Though I will say this. Within these new chapters I hope to put more Pokemon battles, sword fights, and of course Love scenes.



Ganlon Pave 27 was all she ever needed. Salmon pink walls, a large porch, and a peaceful society. But in a world of war where humans have yet to achieve harmony with Pokemon, can a Lucario truly find solitude?

Contains disturbing violence and explicit gore

Vengeance Theme submission


Isaac, a 19-year-old trainer, obtains a Riolu. They form a bond stronger than the likes of which we've ever seen. Meanwhile, dark forces are watching, waiting for the right moment. Memories from the past shall help to protect the future.



A girl named Grace finds herself in a particularly stressful situation; a diabolical scientist has made her into a pokemon breeding machine! Follow her adventures as she discovers herself and the sensual detail of the endangered pokemon around her.

You are, of course, more than welcome to write me reviews and drop by suggestions for other pokemon for her to breed with!Oh, I should mention that if you are requesting a non-legendary (I just thought of this!) create a scenario for it.



A blue Charmeleon tries to find his place in a world that refuses to accept him for who he.


“Everyone knows human and pokémon have been friends for a long time, but few actually wonder how it all came to be. And almost no one knows. But I do. So let me tell you a tale. A tale about the first trainer."



A growlithe almost lost his life trying to save his friend. Though that life threating experience changed him inside and out. This change not only affected his appearance, but his life as well.


As chaos begins to fall over the 10 Providences of the Mainland, the inter-providential police force, Arcanine-mounted knights known as Arc Riders, have become less trusted and disrespected. Two Riders, Alaric and Lyria, have been caught in the midst of the struggle and fight to discover its source and bring it to a halt.


The story of an Umbreon and all the fun things she does.


The life of a Flygon. Put quite plainly and simply.

His life however, is shaken up when a rather interesting female happens to drop out of the sky.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: No Word Count: 7005 Views: 1270
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Jim is a new trainer who's still learning the ropes, and is practicing with his Dad's Arcanine. However, he's soon going to learn a lesson about how far the bond between trainer and pokemon can go on one lazy summer afternoon...


Stacie, a stunky 'morph and Gwen, a Glameow 'morph are high school students hanging out together during the last days of summer. Gwen finally decides to get enough courage to ask her friend some more, intimate questions...



Not much to this one, Paul and Kit, a Clefable and Mudkip 'morph respectively, decide to do a little webcam fun...

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 1608 Views: 514
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


(A request from AbleArcher)
Dear Reader,
Growing up alongside someone else really makes you attached to them. You grow to love them and you'd do absolutely anything to see them happy. To me, that person is my brother, Joule. He has been with me through it all and he is my brother, my family. And now he needs me, and I want to make sure that he is happy.