Search Results:tag:palpitoad
Akru, a commercial fisherman, ends up going overboard during a storm one night. When he comes to, he finds himself shipwrecked on an island that proves to be quite the paradise. But is the island all that it appears to be?
- female/female
- male/female
- male/male
- arcanine
- croconaw
- diggersby
- floatzel
- florges
- granbull
- hawlucha
- human
- leavanny
- lopunny
- machamp
- machoke
- meowstic
- munna
- nuzleaf
- palpitoad
- passimian
- politoed
- pyroar
- raichu
- sceptile
- simisage
- snorlax
- treecko
- weavile
- anal
- bisexual
- female
- gay
- lesbian
- male
- oral
- orgy
- pokephilia
- straight
- Chapters: 4
- Completed: Yes Word Count: 13087 Views: 3722
- Published: Oct 6 2019Updated: Oct 9 2019
Harvey takes pride in his three strong pokemon and trains them every single day. Though, the training isn't exactly what one might expect.
Season 2 of Empathic Adventures: Ability/advance/pearl/Morpheus/Negai/Firered shipping. Now that Ash has found out about his aura powers and the fact that he's got four instead of one girlfriend, he now heads to the Unova region and a new challenge. Morsome,M/F,Whip
- group
- male (solo)
- anabel
- angie
- ash
- ash ketchum
- cilan
- dawn
- iris
- may
- misty
- salvia
- zoey
- arceus
- celebi
- charmander
- cofagrigus
- darmanitan
- deerling
- dewott
- entei
- espeon
- excadrill
- flygon
- gallade
- galvantula
- gigalith
- gothita
- krokorok
- landorus
- latias
- latios
- lilligant
- lucario
- luxray
- mew
- mewtwo
- palpitoad
- petilil
- pikachu
- raikou
- ralts
- sawsbuck
- skitty
- unown
- zoroark
- zorua
- male
- impregnation
- rape
- Chapters: 9
- Completed: No Word Count: 65027 Views: 7576
- Published: Oct 26 2012
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