AGNPH Stories

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A undervalued and practicaly hated family member of a sucessful ranch has decided to leave to a different region to start anew. Little does he know that he is being watched.



this is just the begining


I do not own pokemon nor will I ever This work is not for profit and is just for fun


Yes. I stole this from Matt. Roll a random Pokémon or two, brainstorm a sexual situation, and crank out a quickie. They're not intended to be critiqued, but if you find one you like let me know.


After a deadly virus leaves the world in ruins humanity is on the verge of extinction and pokemon are either in hiding or on the run. Even in this crisis there are still stragglers who try to eek out an existence and try to stay alive while the infected snuff out any life that crosses their path.....

Update A word from the wise to my readers, pay attention to the things they do in this story. I use tested, proven, and professional survival methods that are actually used to survive in the wilderness so pay attention, what you read in this story may actually save your life one day.

This fic contains graphic violence. It can and will get very explicit as the story goes on and is not intended for the squeamish or faint hearted. Reader discretion is advised.Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended


A short flash-fiction story about a trainer and his Zoroark's nighttime antics.



Luke, a young man with not a Pokemon to his name, spends his days doing whatever he really feels like doing. Today, however, is going to be a little different.


A male trainer/female pokemon fic that follows an aspiring young trainer in his battle against the corrupt Pokemon League.


"When darkness looks to destroy all, a light shall shine."

Deep in the woods of Unity Forest there lives four tribes that live in constent struggle for survive, even the smallest change could bring a change of power amoung them. Could a outsider change the very face of the forest and bring peace amoung the tribes or will he be the very force that shall destory the forest inself.


After receiving a strange report from the local Pokemon Center, Errisa the Lucario explores her home forest and takes any and every male she finds to use for her own desires.


With spring coming in, this year's pests are ready to swarm local farms and orchards. To add to the normal routine pests a new invasive species has also been causing problems too. A new compromise must be formed with a former nuisance to convince the new pest to leave. To the nuisance however, it's also a way to express long term desires. The problem is maturing forms can significantly change one's appearance for the worst.

"Pick Your Poison 2011" Contest Submission


The story of trainer Seth King and his Buneary. We'll experience love, loss, and some naughty stuff toward the end.


Female Flygon is trapped in the desert, finds a saving grace; but with it comes a price.


A young trainer camps under the stars in a beautiful forest, but find his canine team are feeling a little too restless for sleep. The leads to him going beyond conventional means to 'satisfy' his Pokemon's lusts.


Mama walked into the bathroom, completely exposed. From that moment Rikuu's thoughts of his mother changed his life and their relationship as mother and son forever.


Misty is surprisingly met by the clone of Mew. She quickly finds out that he wants to live forever, but the only way to do that is to bare offspring.
