AGNPH Stories


12345qwe from FA wanted to do a collab. Thus this story was created.

All rights reserved to their owners. Story belongs to me and 12345qwe. No copyright infringement intended.

Vore and Violence



This is a short story a pal of mine from FA requested.
Male on Male action and rape involved. Read at your own discretion.

All Characters belong to their respective owners. Pokemon belongs to Nintendo. No copyright infringement is intended.

Rape and Bondage


I'm not the best writer and constantly aim to improve. If grammar issues are found feel free to let me know. I'd appreciate it.


A herd of chu untouched since the age of Apricorns is studied by two college students from Saffron City...

Most Recent: The Road to Hell


Wendy and Sammi, trainer and Snivy, are on an extended trek through the wilderness as Wendy tries to deal with her boyfriend's recent cheating. Can Sammi help her trainer out of this funk?


A budding pianist struggles to make his mark on the world, scraping by with the help of his faithful ninetales partner, who wields her own form of artistic talent. Love seems to be elusive and far away from their shared world, but perhaps it is closer than it first appears.


A story of a guy who was once just an ordinary person, until something happens to him, something both amazing and in his eyes absurd; he wakes somewhere unknown as a Pokemon!

My first fic on here and I will likely be slow adding chapters, but I will try my best to be up to date. 



This is a One-Shot collection of crazy, impossible, and unheard of stories.


This story was inspired by the "Mango Vines" comic by tierafoxglove Now this story does not involve said Mango Vines but a little something I called: "Midnight Crown". Thanks for the inspiration. =D

Summary: An-Yan and Kylen, the "Ninebreon Brothers", venture to a large fruit orchard similar to 'Lane Packing" in Fort Valley GA. They find that there is not normal part to the "garden" than they let on about.

Story/Plants is © aynblackfox
An-Yan and Kylen Rosewood © aynblackfox
Copy/Paste from FA Post - November 17th, 2010 05:06 PM

Warning: This story contains, bondage to a degree, tentacles and "suggested incest" between two Umbreon brothers one of which is male-herm.

Wait....there is not gender tag for dual-sexed characters? DOH!


This story was written for a friend before he changed his fursona..again. Anywho, this another quick revenge story using Madilivani. The victim in question here, complained about not being able to finish anything that he wanted to draw for me and that I could take my revenge out on him in a story. However, the original idea I had in mind didn't work out as I wanted it to so I changed it to this.

FA Posted: November 28th, 2010 06:07 PM

Warning! This story contains rape with tentacles! Not this is not your type of tea, turn back now!


This story is for neos8 on FA He asked to be a story and this is what I came up with after this was drawn:

Note to neos8 After the time you have teased about some things that I wanted to see. You wanted to be a in story and this is what I came up.

Notes about story:

After "Madilivani" was drawn I instantly came up with his idea. It is short but I camp-fired this up in just a in short time. Also I was trying to keep it short and simple, almost comic style. ANYWHO. This guy hear thinks that life is all about games and beers. He finds out the hard way to be careful want he ask for.

Original FA Post: October 25th, 2010 11:22 PM

Not my best writing but one of my favorites...Hehehe! Revenge is best served with breast and tentacles.

Warning! This story contains rape with tentacles! Not this is not your type of tea, turn back now!



A protective device that may create on one side a reflection, identical to the viewer but reversed, and on the other side, reveal something else much the same.

(NOT a contest submission despite being written for the prompt because I don't care to compete for the prize.)

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: Yes Word Count: 1932 Views: 208
  • Published: Jan 27 2014


A pikachu girl escapes into a cave and finds an unlikely male partner to help keep the cold away. The means to do so escalate, and quickly.

P.S. This is submitted as a round robin in case any of you care to take a crack at a continuation, but the story still works as a one-shot.

Rated:PG [Reviews: 3]


Join Noah the Linoone as he discovers the joys and pains of raising a kid.

Parenthood 2014 Contest Entry


A young boy named Luke who has the ability to talk to pokemon, meets a Zorua named Mina behind his school. At the age of thirteen, he and Mina set out on their grand adventure. However, all is not well in the Unova region as an evil crime syndicate rears its ugly head.
With a seemingly limitless amount of money at their disposal, they have their eyes set on making life difficult for just about everyone.



White and N face off wih their legendaries! But before they can battle the two must complete a ritual before the two dragons will obey.