AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:violence


the ability to catch Arceus in a pokeball is complete bull. this is the story of what might actually happen if someone attempted to catch Arceus. I'll modify this summary as necessary.


When Mewtwo begins to see signs of physical deterioration in his reflection, he begins to wonder what his legacy will be when he leaves this life. Out of his pondering comes the realization that he can leave behind his species. Thus, his daughter, Sabrina, is created.
This is her story.


Four more shall perish, and the final chapter in the triology unveiled. Who dies? You can try and guess.




When a Pikachu raised in the dessert by A Sandslash is abused to the point of killing his own father. This is story, and mind my rant, wont happen again. (Contains rape M/M in the prologue only, it is not described. More tags will be added as I go along.) All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.



When a genetics researcher has a child with a deadly disorder, he must choose between giving his son a tainted future or his inevitable death.


The cast of The Fairview Asassin are back, and this time, it's not the living trying to kill them... it's the dead.


Six characters walk in. Five walk out. The mysterious Asassin of Fairview has been killing well-known people. Follow Rina, and Jake as they attempt to find the truth behind the city of Fairview.



A college Tight End gets ready for the professional level but he is about to have a tough rookie season.


Lucas is your average pokemon with amnesia on a journey to figure out just exactly what the heck is going on. I think this speaks for itself.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.


Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to make an impact in the world, or how it feels to actually make a difference? Wanderer is the first of the bards; the first of the noble travelers who sprung up in the pokemon world to spread mystical magic tricks, dazzling dances, and, of course, tales of excitement, mystery, and romance.


A man named Jack is brought to the sudden realization that he loves his Pokemon, an English-speaking Gardevoir. Only after he admits it to himself and to her will he realize what the meaning of love really is.

Conclusion uploaded. Enjoy.


A boy and his poochyena run away from home, and are joined by a young riolu also running away from home.
After several years living out in the wild they are suddenly thrust back into civilization and the machinations of the wicked leader of Team Helix, Doctor Icarus Hector.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~edit: Anthro and nonanthro tags added because both types of pokemon can be found in this story, ie melissa, and is unrelated to any sort of *cough* activities that may occur within these chapters.



The tale of young mon (relatively teenage age) on a quest to prove their worth. But as they set out on their adventure to see the world and save the day, a dark and evil force is moving in. As the armies of evil march, the heroes of a new age must steel themselves, for they shall be besieged.


This is the story of a young male Leafeon forced to study in an all-girl's school.


It's impossible to live detached from any form of life; people can't do it and not even pokemon without being driven into insanity. Trying to escape from a violent past, a wild luxray who chose to live in solitude to save his life is nearing his own limit of withdrawal until he encounters a unique pokemon that sparks a glimmer of hope for him to gain a trusting close companion.