AGNPH Stories

Search Results:fav:mehmeh



It's late at night; the family's out. Home alone, Ian's resigned to another night in with his psychic companion, Vera. Some things can seem dull in moonlight, but she makes him a proposition he's not too interested in refusing...

Story contains psychic tomfoolery, and was commissioned by a very dark, shady and willingly anonymous character. You will never found out who he or she was.

Human x Espeon


A young man named Juan Rivera is tired of love. Heartbroken, and with advice from his father, he finds true love in the form of his closest friend...


Random stories with trainers and Pokemon. Done for fun but mostly for smut.


The chapters are not connected in the sense of having the same characters in each one, however, they all have three key things in common:

1) They are all short stories

2) They all an intimate/romantic relationship with Pokemon involved

3) After the first story, they all became requests from members here.



Just my first and last one-shot, maybe. Aurumshipping and Mega/Micro scenario. The rest I leave to you.


A fic requested by Eupharia.

Six Hundred Years Ago, a legendary ronin and a Ninetails saved Hoenn as well as the entire world from destruction by ending a war between two rogue generals, at the cost of the ronin's life.  What happens when the Ninetails reawakens after a six-hundred year sleep and meets a person in the present who looks exactly like her fallen friend?



An female Lucario with strange Runic symbols all over her body is looking for a place in world where she could belong, in the company William Delmar she might have found that place...


Meet Lucas West, A young man living in Celestic town 3 years before the events of D/P/PT, he lives with a strange dream, to travel Sinnoh without using pokemon to fight his battles for him, one day, he comes across a scene that he can't turn away from.

Contains: Male Human X Female Weavile.



Denial is powerful. It clouds vision, hides truth, and rejects it. It takes a lot of strength to beat it, or just a really close friend.

Warning: may contain sexings between a male human and a female spinda.


A rich child, a lonely pokemon; what more needs to be said?


Four friends celebrate Halloween in a secluded cabin, little do they know what lies in wait.
As we all know, deep in the woods, no one can hear you scream.

Oh, and this isn't for the contest. At least I didnt plan it that way. I dont think it fits it theme very well.

Happy Halloween Everybody. ^^

Rated:XXX [Reviews: 1]


A story about a boy and his mawile.

A submission for the July Bring the Heat Contest 2010.


Alright I'm gonna pull a Havoc here. These will be full stories, well sort of. They wont be too plot-heavy that's for sure. Though I may not do a lot of requests, when I DO do them, they'll be here. Request if you want but know this, I wont be so lenient with these. I'll accept almost anything for the Club but not here, there are a few rules you have to follow if you're going to request a story.

One: The pokemon has to have NEVER been done before. The POKEMON, not the gender pairing.(Chapter one is exempt since it was made before this rule)
Two: No Male/Male, No Vore, No Castration, No Scat, none of the hard stuff.
Three: The story MUST have sex in it. I am a HUGE perv and I love smut. Therefore, that's what I do.

Four: I really wasn't going to make this part of the criteria but for the sake of my boner, one of the two characters must be human.That's pretty much it. Requests can be as vague or as detailed as you want but I reserve the right to change things in order to make it make more sense.Note:The percent status' of your requests (Should I choose to accept them) will be displayed in my bio.

Important(er) Note Requests are closed for now. Once I finish all of them all up, that'll be the end of the new and obscure for a little bit.

Important Note: I have a new way of doing requests. Every request is posted in my bio. If you want you can vote on one you like. I'll pick whichever I like, BUT I'm only vote, if I'm outvoted I'll do whatever got the most votes. You dont have to review each time, PM me, send me an email, IM, I dont care. This'll keep me from doing every one in a straight line and it'll put a little more power in everyone else's hands but mine.


An altoshipping fiction. It was written by wayc and I got permission to post it here. It's very emotional so feel free to emote. Note: Genderbends.



Fenix is a trainer who seems to be caught up in a very controversial issue in the Pokemon world, frowned upon by most... Pokephilia. However, he does not let that get in his way of loving (in multiple ways) his beautiful, but color-deformed, Glaceon. Join Fenix as he and his friends make their way 21 years in the making to help him become the ultimate Pokemon Champion... with admitted shortcomings along the way, of course.


Imagine a Pokémon falls in love with his trainer. Sounds strange? It is, but this is what has happened to Kira, a female Lucario. She is desperately in love with her trainer Ryu, although she doesn't dare to tell him. But what if she does? How will he react? Will they be happy together or will Kira end up heart-broken?