AGNPH Stories

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Not remembering his encounter with Bayleef, Ash continues his new adventure by visiting a familiar location.


Full Summary: Watchers, the direct descendants of Arceus herself, sets of twins born with the power to match their older brothers and sisters, the legendary pokémon. Born in pairs, these twins were meant to bridge the gap that had come between humans and pokémon early on in time, one gifted to look human, born beside a pokémon companion. Inseparable immortal twins, the godchildren wandered the world not to preach the word of their mother, but merely to promote peace. Over the course of history however, things have changed. Now, in modern times, a single pair of twins remain, the last of the once great godchildren. (Ratings and Warning will be added as needed)


A plucky feraligatr firefighter and a man who loses all he owns. Their stories are more similar than they first appear. Sometimes it takes a bit of fire to discover that which one values most. Besides, big gals need love too.

Partly based on a suggestion by Varka, who wanted a sexy pinup of a feraligatr gal!

June's release for Someone's PC on Patreon


Anthony O'kai never had an easy life, being a survivor from the destroyed Geosenge town, this boy of thirteen sets out on his pokemon journey only to find that his journey will be far from normal.


The story of the trainer Felix and his very special Riolu, Luca. Their relationship is sweet, strained, complex, and everything in between.

This is the remastered version of my story, Luca. In going back to the beginning I found I was editing the story significantly. So I decided to post it as new! : )
I hope you enjoy the changes I've made, and if this is the first time you've found this series, I hope you enjoy it for the first time. Be aware it follows the original edition, but has quite a few changes, including new scenes, and rewritten scenes.

At present there are no love scenes edited. Ratings follow the original as this will eventually hold all the same themes and material.


A story between a trainer and his Victini, is a work in progress.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Beta Acknowledgments: Ziegles


A remote monastery offers refuge to a young man forced to flee all he knows. The strange pokémon residing there baffles and frustrates him, but he quickly learns there is more to her than meets the eye...


File Name: One Good Turn

Owner:  Arcane Reno

File Location:

File Type: Story:Adult:M/F/F: Human x Flareon x Vulpix

Caption Text: Support us on Patreon for special art, stories, and more!

Details: Who could resist offering shelter to two bedraggled fire-type strays on a rainy night? It’s only for the night, after all, and as they say, one good turn deserves another…


May's story release for Someone's PC.


This is the tale of a Pokemon trainer and his companion, a female Snivy. They have a special relationship, and this story has finally busted the bunker on my writer's block. I hope you enjoy it, even if this particular story won't be for everyone.

But then again, which ones are?


Dogs. Man's best friend. They will do things that either get on your nerves or make you just want to hug them to death. In the world of Pokémon, they're considered the same way. There's one young man who has experienced firsthand the bond one could forge with a four legged friend. This is the story of that boy. M Human X F Arcanine (Lemon)


A nonbeliever goes out of his way to prove a legend is fake, but gets a lot more than he bargained for. M Human x F Darkrai


One-Shot. Sometimes you venture to be alone, but sometimes you find so much more! This is the story of a teenager who goes camping to seek solitude, but ends up finding much more than a just friend. This is rated M, for lemons and adult themes. Not mature enough, don't read. MHuman X FPokemon, OCxLucario. Reviews help!

Rated:XXX [Reviews: 2]


Years ago, I was just a lonely person with no one to love with. Until Jirachi came to my life giving new meaning to my own life. I'm not a great lover, but I married Jirachi herself. This one, I will tell you my story as to how making love with her is different from other human females. Sometimes, the best sexual lifestyle is being bigger in size than your wife.

Human Male (Identity unknown) & Female Jirachi pairing.


A budding pianist struggles to make his mark on the world, scraping by with the help of his faithful ninetales partner, who wields her own form of artistic talent. Love seems to be elusive and far away from their shared world, but perhaps it is closer than it first appears.


A young boy named Luke who has the ability to talk to pokemon, meets a Zorua named Mina behind his school. At the age of thirteen, he and Mina set out on their grand adventure. However, all is not well in the Unova region as an evil crime syndicate rears its ugly head.
With a seemingly limitless amount of money at their disposal, they have their eyes set on making life difficult for just about everyone.
