AGNPH Stories

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Ashe is a normal gal. She has a pokemon partner, a lucario named Vladimir, and a house. She's a martial artist and loves physical exercise. But things get a little different when she finds Vladimir has found her porn stash, and is currently pawing off to one of her more "unique" DVDs.



A college Tight End gets ready for the professional level but he is about to have a tough rookie season.


Lucas is your average pokemon with amnesia on a journey to figure out just exactly what the heck is going on. I think this speaks for itself.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.


Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to make an impact in the world, or how it feels to actually make a difference? Wanderer is the first of the bards; the first of the noble travelers who sprung up in the pokemon world to spread mystical magic tricks, dazzling dances, and, of course, tales of excitement, mystery, and romance.



A VERY short story about Sara and Coral, a Lucario and a Blaziken. Basically just mutual maasturbation and peeping. Enjoy ^^

August 2010 Contest Submission: Going Solo submission


A man named Jack is brought to the sudden realization that he loves his Pokemon, an English-speaking Gardevoir. Only after he admits it to himself and to her will he realize what the meaning of love really is.

Conclusion uploaded. Enjoy.


A boy and his poochyena run away from home, and are joined by a young riolu also running away from home.
After several years living out in the wild they are suddenly thrust back into civilization and the machinations of the wicked leader of Team Helix, Doctor Icarus Hector.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~edit: Anthro and nonanthro tags added because both types of pokemon can be found in this story, ie melissa, and is unrelated to any sort of *cough* activities that may occur within these chapters.



The tale of young mon (relatively teenage age) on a quest to prove their worth. But as they set out on their adventure to see the world and save the day, a dark and evil force is moving in. As the armies of evil march, the heroes of a new age must steel themselves, for they shall be besieged.


This is the story of a young male Leafeon forced to study in an all-girl's school.



A Charmeleon named Kane is living his idyllic life, especially when mating season rolls around each year. Little does he know that it's not what he really wants.

My August 2010 Contest Submission: Going Solo. (This applies to chapter 1)Edit: Looks like I'll be writing a couple more chapters for this. After all, I can't very well deny the four people who wanted more, can I?


It's impossible to live detached from any form of life; people can't do it and not even pokemon without being driven into insanity. Trying to escape from a violent past, a wild luxray who chose to live in solitude to save his life is nearing his own limit of withdrawal until he encounters a unique pokemon that sparks a glimmer of hope for him to gain a trusting close companion.



Devin and Kara have known each other for almost their entire lives. One day after Devin comes home from school, Kara has something to show him.

Human x Anthro-Absol


David's life is nothing but boring and being lonely. But that all changes when he watches a movie, and that movie will change his life forever! Chapter 22 now updated!

Ch.22: Getting A Girl's Advice

OC (own character): David Cheng
Characters Not Categorized On This Website: Grovyle/Treecko, Latias, Latios


This is the first of what will hopefully be many stories surrounding Strauss and his numerous military exploits...stretching back into the day when he was a lone Private to becoming a leader of his own squad. Look to seeing more like this in the near future, if time permits me.

(A story made by a good friend of mine. I decided to place it up, with his permission, to see how well it goes.)



A trainer's Erotic adventure with his many Pokemon.