AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:male/female


The second of my Starting in the Lab series, this time featuring the starters of the Johto region -- Chikorita and Totodile. The two of them are best friends and have a shared interest of acting and performing together, but when their curiosities get the better of them and they discover some of Professor Elm's research photos, they want to take their playing to a whole new level.

And, once the replacement Cyndaquil is brought in to complete the set of starters, how will they react to being in the presence of a real live male? To what lengths will they go to satisfy their own curiosities?


Poke-dolls the newest sex toy on the market. When a young man finds a Poke-doll outside in the trash he decides to take her home with him. But what are the consequences for a act of kindness.


My Very late entry for the Christmas Contest. Obviously it is way to late to be considered, but I worked too hard to not share it.



A young computer tech of 17. Lives a normal life in Eterna Forrest.The world as he knows it all changes after he's visited by a legendary pokemon called Mew. Discovering his ancestry and gaining amazing power Lio begins to find his true resolve, to protect. Little does he know, the legendary God Pokemon, Arceus is resting an almost impossibe task on his shoulders. Leading our hero into the most exciting, action filled adventure of his seemingly easy going life.

Author Notes: Any comments and reviews are greatly appreciated.

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon. Any characters, events and locations are strictly coincident.


Jack finished his education and has now moved from Pallet town over to Littleroot in the Hoenn region. With his new friend, May, and others he'll meet along the way, he will face some of the best times in his life, and some of the worst...



Fate, a string attached to every living being as they born. Deeming the sign of misfortune and happiness, the unpredictable wheels moving these lingering strings, can point at anywhere; Luck, fortune, love and faith but also despair, misfortune sadness and death. ¿Then what would happen if there's a being whose mere existence mere existence broke the strings of fate... ¿What kind of twisted future would be awaiting for him? Only time could tell...

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. Blah Blah Blah.




Max lives with his mother and his Eevee, Maya.

Christmas brings harsh times to some, but only those who accept it.

Christmas 2010 Contest Entry!




Wishes can't be real.... Or can they?


Jack is an average high school student. His favorite past time is playing his pokemon video games. But the day his summer vacation starts he finds himself transported to the world of pokemon. He soon learns that almost everything in the game is wrong. But when he has the choice to return to his home. Will he stay or will he go? Ether way he's about to find out that the real pokemon world is more then a game.

I've been working on this for a few years now and hopefully finished the first chapter.

Also there's a female/female part in the first chapter if you don't like that. Then I'm sorry it won't happen agin.


A fic requested by Eupharia.

Six Hundred Years Ago, a legendary ronin and a Ninetails saved Hoenn as well as the entire world from destruction by ending a war between two rogue generals, at the cost of the ronin's life.  What happens when the Ninetails reawakens after a six-hundred year sleep and meets a person in the present who looks exactly like her fallen friend?


Zangoose X Mawile evo sex....end of story.
NOT!!!! ;P


In the 'real' world, there's a human male whose dreams are always through the eyes of a female Lucario who is abused by her trainer, a prospecting Rocket admin. And it's likewise, for her. Neither of them know if the other really exists.

However, when said trainer is caught and arrested, both the human and the Pokemon decide to try and discover the truth... And meet each other for real, if they can.


  Christmas is a celebration one normally spends
  With relatives and strangers, family and friends!
  But those that obsess over this aspect only
 Are always the ones that are the most lonely... 


 Christmas 2010 Contest Entry! 



A trainer goes out to search for the perfect gift for the perfect Pokemon only to have find that luck is not on his side.

*Christmas 2010 contest entry*



An female Lucario with strange Runic symbols all over her body is looking for a place in world where she could belong, in the company William Delmar she might have found that place...