AGNPH Stories

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July "Bring the Heat" Contest 2010

Paul, Cream, Blake, Luca, and Ela are on semester break from College and decide to take a vaction in the Orange Islands, when Paul has a really strange Dream. Or was it a Dream.



Fenix is a trainer who seems to be caught up in a very controversial issue in the Pokemon world, frowned upon by most... Pokephilia. However, he does not let that get in his way of loving (in multiple ways) his beautiful, but color-deformed, Glaceon. Join Fenix as he and his friends make their way 21 years in the making to help him become the ultimate Pokemon Champion... with admitted shortcomings along the way, of course.


Brought forth by a course of events, a (seemingly innocent at first) girl by the name of Lilly and a timid Umbreon by the name of Quint (changed by some unknown force to be humanoid) travel together and rebel against a mysterious team Quake. Multiple problems arise through strange occurrences and Lillies discovery of Quint's past.


Don't hide your feelings. Go after the one's you love, otherwise they just might be stolen from you...

July Bring the Heat Contest 2010

You guys who know me know what to expect. ^.~


The heartwarming tale of good, in a world of evil.


Imagine a Pokémon falls in love with his trainer. Sounds strange? It is, but this is what has happened to Kira, a female Lucario. She is desperately in love with her trainer Ryu, although she doesn't dare to tell him. But what if she does? How will he react? Will they be happy together or will Kira end up heart-broken?


Two pokemon trainers plan their next course in their journey while their pokemon relax nearby. A pokemon couple of theirs, however, does more than just relax as a buizel initiates the warm, embracing session of mating with her mate, a totodile.

Supposed to be a One-shot



Riko always knew he was different, he just never knew HOW different he was. This is his journey where he will learn where he came from, what he his, and what he will become.


The coming of a raging war takes a new dimension for the Scarlet Remnants as valiant Troopers found an unlikely ally that isn't from this world.
Under attacked from an quicken enemy, a group of Scarlet Troopers captured the assailant attacker and discovered something extraordinary, a Blaziken, fate turns Captain Marthal from his warfare life into an unknown future--and an unexpected kinship with this extraordinary creature. Changing different tactics as a friend of the Blaziken Laura, he will faced hardships and certainty among his group for as Soulus Unions own mighty force gathers an major invasion in Derim's command. Marthal and Laura must advance in the very heart itself.



Blair will do anything to help his best friend with her heat, even if he must hurt her first.


A cynical Swampert believes that love is non-existent. Until a certain Ampharos came into his life and made it all better.

July Bring the Heat Contest 2010

Contains: Rape, Lots of Touching and Mushy Stuff, Tentacle Sex (I think.) and of course, YURI!!



What happens when life takes away everything you care for? you keep moving on, join Taylor and his small band of friends as they push through all life can throw at him.


This is an entry for the "July Bring the Heat Contest 2010". It about a trainer who ends up the one getting trained by the poke'mon who was ment to be his first capture.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Whats the first thing you'd do if you woke up in the Pokemon world? Would you skip around and frolic in the grass, or just sit around, not knowing what to do, regreting your decision to come there? Well, destiny un-ravels itself upon two humans who, despite all odds, managed to make it into the Pokemon world - What they decide to do, is their choice.

Short story written as a commission trade for : Treacherous Vixxen. Contains M/F Pokemon Sex, Feral Lucario and Umbreon. Read and enjoy pplz!


Love conquers all... But sometimes, the horny, attention seeking sluts need some Sneasel in their ass before they can be conquered.