AGNPH Stories

Search Results:fav:grimmlove


A story between a trainer and his Victini, is a work in progress.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Beta Acknowledgments: Ziegles



White and N face off wih their legendaries! But before they can battle the two must complete a ritual before the two dragons will obey.


"Pick Your Poison, 2011" Contest Entry

An unusual woman with a very unusual form of pokephilia daydreams of memories long past, memories of profound joy and pleasure, and of indescribable pain.

She daydreams of old lives lost and new lives gained, and the end of a chain of death that not even she knows the beginning of.

Be warned, this story is a smorgasbord of fetishes: threesomes, lactation, and most of all, slime. Lots and lots of slime! It's a story featuring Arbok, Eelektross, and Gastrodon. In a couple places there are subtle nods to the works of ShinjiHiroku as well.

This story takes place in the same world as Pokemon Lover Studios, but there's no need to read it to understand anything that takes place here.


Here we meet Grace, A young girl who stayed behind when everyone else went out on their own adventure. Now it seems the adventure has come to her!


White the Mew finds hirself in a strange contraption, wearing a collar, and scared. The truth is revealed as shi's released from a Pokeball, into a room, greeted by a sinister voice. And shi's soon joined by Celebi and Jirachi. What's the purpose of all this? A breeding program.

Original Finished Date - Jul 14 2004


The scientists who lived the first test of Mew DNA - the creation of Mewtwo - use an adolescent Ponyta for Mew's DNA. She's released into the wild, and lives in torment, but the kind heart of one Raichu can change her for the better...

Warning: Contains slight depictions of suffering.

Original Finished Date - Sep 9 2004