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  • Summary:

    This story is just a relatively simple story focusing on the curious antics of three starter Pokemon in Pallet Town. Yep, that's right, a Bulbasaur, a Charmander, and a Squirtle! I don't even mention the word 'love' in here. Nope. It's just innocent curiosities all led by a rather mischievous Charmander named Maple.

    If you're looking for a deep, involving storyline or characters like I usually do, well, this is not your story. The characters are all really cute (I hope), though! This story is about sex, sex, and more sex. XD At least some pretty nice, sex scenes, including two very hot threesomes with VINES AND COCKS AND PUSSY EVERYWHERE!

    Yeah, imagine if you will... Squirtle taking Bulbasaur's ass while Bulbasaur is pounding Charmander's, pleasuring Charmander's pussy and invading Squirtle's tailhole with his vines.

    You know you want to read that.

  • Rated:XXX


    A collaborative work.

    A pikachu girl fleeing from danger gets separated from her pack in the night. When she wakes, she finds out a raichu found her unconscious and brought her back to his den. Through various trials, they eventually form a bond.

  • Summary:

    The second of my Starting in the Lab series, this time featuring the starters of the Johto region -- Chikorita and Totodile. The two of them are best friends and have a shared interest of acting and performing together, but when their curiosities get the better of them and they discover some of Professor Elm's research photos, they want to take their playing to a whole new level.

    And, once the replacement Cyndaquil is brought in to complete the set of starters, how will they react to being in the presence of a real live male? To what lengths will they go to satisfy their own curiosities?

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