AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:violence


A tactical sorcerist is torn from his world as a last ditch attempt to survive and is thrown into another.Witness his struggle to adapt in this new environment while trying to keep his freedom from those who would desire his power.


Jon's parents don't want him to have Pokemon, and he's 15. So, he flees the city for the day, climbing to the top of a cliff next to a waterfall... and comes back down to get some poachers away from a Suicune in heat. He gets shot and nearly dies, but the Suicune saves him by making him a Suicune as well. She reveals that the poachers were after her to make her a sex slave, and for a while, things are calm between them...

...But then her heat gets to her, and so, they mate, and find out how much they love each other...

Please read and review! This is my first AGNPH story. Please tell me where I can improve and what I did well, so I know what to work on and what to do again in the next chapter. Thank you! =)


Jake and his best friends, Zeak and Boom, set out on their journey the same as anyone else. Of course, things don't always go according to plan...


Following the events of two grizzly deaths at a pokemon laboratory, a local city begins to rouse itself from a quiet slumber. The police are hard at work, and everything seems to be moving towards some inevitable outcome. Now with 2 scoops of plot. I'm back, baby!

Sequel to "The Payapa Berries of Wrath"



I decided to let this out again. Don't like it? Then don't read it. That's all I'm going to say. I would put in a fancy summary if I had one.


With some help from Vidmaster I wanted to try something different. Fair warning this has a lot of mouth for a while. Let me know what you think?


This story is about a whole lot of different things. It is inspired by a song, and there is no coherent plot connecting the chapters; the connection will be created by the song, as the individual titles are the lyrics. Thus, it is not possible to summarize this series of short stories all at once, as they will be, as I hope, very different from each other, although there are going to be some recurring themes.



It has been 3 years after the last chapter, and things will being to get interesting once again for our protagonist.


A trainer named Sandy gets a rude awakening during the night.

A rewrite of Vaporeon's new life, combining both chapters into one.
*This is not a third chapter, but a remake on the originals*



An average female Sandslash is wondering around her mountain home, when she comes across someone who will change her life forever.


There are multiple sides to every story. When a man of faith meets a faithless man, such a story is born. A 20 year old boy named Yeshua has finally gotten the job of his dreams... or has he? The answer lies in a mew.

Cliche theme submission


A man spends his time living in Ilex forest. I spent a lot of time trying to make the story what it is, and I don't feel like ruining the entire plot for you. If you want to know what actually happens, read on.

Oh, also. Despite the title, this story isn't a comedy. It's got some death, some blood, and... it'll have sex... Probably in chapter 5.


After getting caught up in the incident at the windworks, Axl is haunted by the ghosts of a past he tried to forget while the others attempt to help him in any way they can. Shortly after leaving the windworks however, a familiar adversary draws them across continents in an attempt to discover what is really going on behind a string of purportedly unrelated conflicts cropping up across the globe.



A pokemorph-centric alternate universe fanfic.

After the governments of Kanto and Johto collapsed, Team Rocket was quick to seize control and restore order. This is the story of the newly formed Northern Kanto Division. Headquartered within Mt. Moon, it was meant to deter aggression from the neighboring Sinnoh. Only a year later, the higher-ups received word that an enforcer of the Team's law was set to arrive for unstated reasons, bringing with him many ties to their pasts.



Start with one trainer-hating teen with the ability to understand Pokemon. Add a smart-alec Persian, a lost Charmander, a Pidgey with an attitude, a trouble-making redhead, an obsessed Dratini and assorted other nuts. Sit back and wait for the chaos.