AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:gay



Tom decides to take a shower in the communal showers on his way to Dendimite Town. He tries to be quick about it as he doesn't like being exposed to others. However, when four guys show up he realizes there is no need to rush right out.



After his truck breaks down Rick ends up out in blizzard looking for some warm shelter for the night. On the verge of losing hope he comes across a cabin that ends up providing its fair share of warmth.


Nix the eevee is a solo explorer who wants to take on higher rank job missions, but can't due to his solo status. Eventually he decides to take a more active approach to finding people. In doing so, he ends up having quite the experience, both good, and bad. 



Akru, a commercial fisherman, ends up going overboard during a storm one night. When he comes to, he finds himself shipwrecked on an island that proves to be quite the paradise. But is the island all that it appears to be?


A Pokemon ranger named Mac turns his life on its head when he meets up with a sylveon he helped and fell in love with one year ago.


Wolf and his Pokemon decide to go to a local hot springs to relax. Unfortunately, they're all filled up so they decide to take the service springs instead which turns out to be more than they had in mind for the night.



Stan and his Pokemon were berry picking when a rainstorm forced them into a den. As they make themselves at home, a shadowy figure approaches.


Harvey takes pride in his three strong pokemon and trains them every single day. Though, the training isn't exactly what one might expect.



Furret had been living a hard life for years, but his hard life takes a turn when he encounters an orgy in the woods. 


This is Kiss by A Rose Part 3. It's been about a year since I first uploaded a story, and I've gotten a few tips from friends online on how to write better fics. Since the orginal post is so old, I decided to upload part 3 seperatley to make sure people actually see it. This will be the last chapter of this series. If you haven't seen the other parts I would highly recommend you go check out the orginal post. Enjoy!


10 year old Isaac is just a rockruff who has had a particular liking to his brother, Max, for 2 years. One day, something will happen that will make their view of each other change forever.


This is another story off the That Night series. I'm planning on making more of these, so don't worry. Here's the description:

Rockruff ends up having to do a dare that will change everything between him and his friend, Litten.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: Yes Word Count: 4152 Views: 819
  • Published: Jun 7 2018


This is a ,straight and gay fanfic with three parts: part one is gay, 2 is straight, 3 is gay again. I'm bisexual, so I'll post gay, straight and bisexual fanfics as well as porn pics, the pics won' be mine btw,all credit goes to the original artists.

As for the story it is between a Lucario and his Trainer who both developed special feelings for each other, but kept them hidden. Until after winning the Pokémon League, where Lucario told his Trainer about said feelings, the Trainer, named Johnahan, accepted and reciprocated them, and well, they have a steamy sex session together, making their bond grow stronger.

Read for part two description:

Lucario is droped off at Sarah's house by Johnathan, who has to go to the League of Champions meeting, little does John know, Sarah has other plans for Lucario...

Part 3:

After the League of Champions meeting Johnathan and Lucario have some steamy, kinky fun.


Leo the Lucario and Salem the Umbreon have been friends since they were in Kindergarten. It used to be just that kind of relationship, friends. But over the years both grew some very special feelings for the other. Both of them, however, were also too embarrassed to say anything… until one day, things got a little serious.


This is my first fic uploaded to AGNPH, and although it is a Gay lemon, I am not a just gay author: I'm Bisexual, so if you want to see more, I will be uploading (hopefully) a large number of one-shots like this one, either gay, straight, or bisexual.  If you want to see a specific fic then PM me the specifics.  I might not get to it right away, but I will get back to you as soon as I can.


Raiden, a male Lucario, wakes up his master, Eric, with an unusual surprise.  Experimental and obligatory gay smut one-shot quickly follows.  This is my first gay lemon.  Don't hate.

You can, however, leave a critique below.  As an aspiring author of both smut and non smut, any and all critique is greatly appreciated.  That being said, don't just say 'this fucking sucks dude' or 'Well, I liked it, but it could be better.'  TELL ME WHAT YOU LIKE OR DON'T LIKE.

Much obliged:

The Sword of Absol