AGNPH Stories

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Okay, so.... This story is a bit unconventional. Its about a girafarig and her trainer. And its a smut story, so yeah, they do it. But before you give me your best "meh" and skip over "some girafarig story" , hear me out for a sec:

I don't blame you if you're not interested in a girafarig smut story. But... I HAD to use a girafarig. Why? Because I had this totally awesome idea to have a contrasting dynamic relationship between her and her tail. Those are big words for "tail and head don't get along" :P

Basically, you have this timid and quiet girafarig and she is in heat. She wants to hide it, but her tail acts on her instincts to breed. And you know where this is going... Yes, the girafarig keeps getting put in unfortunate situations from her tail's behavior. Lulz ensues, followed by lots of awesome pr0n. I put a lot of work into this story... its good, trust me.

Hopefully, at the very least, this story now sounds mildly interesting. I just gotta ask one thing... Just go against your reservations, and give the story a chance by reading for a bit. If you still weren't interested after giving the story a try, then I can respect that. Just don't write the story off, though. The writing is good, I put a lot of thought into the characters, there's a lot of humor, and the smut is freakin hawt. :P Got it? Good.


Two weeks, summer break, what's a guy to do? Sit around all day, or keep himself busy? One thing's for certain, while the parents are away, everyone will play.


A non-anthro Vaporeon Maid and the human master that loves her. She comes into heat for the first time and his parents are away, so he decides to take advantage of both opportunities and finally show her how he feels...


A scientist does the unthinkable and combines human and pokemon DNA. But when the power goes to his head and starts attacking trainers for more DNA, who can they call on to stop him?


A lone female Eevee cub leaves her brother behind to stumble down into the darkness of her cave to investigate the strange sounds that her parents always seem to make at night time, only to find them hunched over each others' bodies and performing acts similar to the ones that caused her into existence. Things quickly then spiral out of control as the cub's Umbreon mother reveals information about how Eevee kits in her family learn about mating... Being taught first paw by their parents very own touch...


When the local towns water supply is poisoned by a money hungry man, people turn to the legendary Suicune to purify it. But when Suicune doesn't appear they turn to a pokemon tracker in hopes of finding Suicune.


Lear and her loyal pokemon Malkin are up in the mountains at his request. Except Malkin won't tell her why they're there.



FETEP 3 entry.

Some years into the future, pokemon and humans have reached a rather different relationship than the one they currently share, one of equals. Enter Maverick, a Lucario who happens to be very good at his job. A valuable attribute when one's location is the moon. But, the harsh landscape is the least of his issues. Some problems don't disappear, no matter how far you run.


An unofficial, original author approved fan continuation of Darkjester's "Best Use for Ribbons."

Several hours after being used, abused, and left bound and gagged on the road by an unsavory Delibird for the next passerby, Lunamew finds herself in even more peril than before! Will no one come to this desperate mew's aid in her most dire hour? Will she finally be freed of her torment, or will she spend the rest of her already ruined holiday (and her life) as an Umbreon's plaything

Contiains Rape, H/C, Bondage, Con and Non-con, and lastly Pegging.


Having won the Sinnoh League, Ash Ketchum returned to his home in Pallet Town for a well deserved rest before continuing on his journey to become a Pokemon Master in by participating the the Master League. While at home, his loving mother showed him that there are other things in life to worry about than just training Pokemon.

Part 1 -

Ash and his friends begin a new journey throughout the entire Pokemon World as they encounter old friends and enemies along the way.

Disclaimer: All characters, settings, and related material are the property of their respective owners,‚© 2009 Pokémon 1995-2010 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo.‚© 2011 Nintendo. All characters in this story are 18 years or older. No copyright infringement is intended.


"Pick Your Poison, 2011" Contest Entry

An unusual woman with a very unusual form of pokephilia daydreams of memories long past, memories of profound joy and pleasure, and of indescribable pain.

She daydreams of old lives lost and new lives gained, and the end of a chain of death that not even she knows the beginning of.

Be warned, this story is a smorgasbord of fetishes: threesomes, lactation, and most of all, slime. Lots and lots of slime! It's a story featuring Arbok, Eelektross, and Gastrodon. In a couple places there are subtle nods to the works of ShinjiHiroku as well.

This story takes place in the same world as Pokemon Lover Studios, but there's no need to read it to understand anything that takes place here.


Ok, so... This, in a nutshell, is about a Charmeleon who has massive hots for her trainer, but he is unwilling to screw her. She tries to get him to fold, and along the way, there's lots of plot and smut.

There's drama, there's humor, there's tension, there's..... a lot of other things as well, probably. Like large words and proper punctuation and capital letters. I think I even used a semi colon!

Aaaand that's about it.... I think. Don't be fooled by this little info box: I'm actually a good writer (Quit rolling your eyes, I'm serious) so if you think you'll enjoy it, you probably will, because this isn't some 11 year old's story about "YAY LETS GO CHAR THE CHARMELEON! USE UR SUPER FLAME ATTAK he said and char the charmeleon said CHAR and blewed fire on the rattatta whihc then fainted and they got experence points". ... Yea, if I ever start writing like that, you can shoot me.



MD- This is a little side project Guri and I have thrown together, largely due to the mutual agreement that Mew is a very fun character to write with. His idea, my characters, joint prose. Hope you all enjoy.


Pascha works in a Brothel/Hotel/Eating Establishment known as The Fantasy Diner where nearly any fantasy can be fulfilled. Tonight she has a very... different sort of customer from her usual fare.

Contains Human M X Zoroark F sex, and very light bondage.doo dee doo: I do not own pokemon or even just anthro pokemon, I DO however own the OCs within and the story itself.


A bit of a late piece, for V-day, but this is also for the Pokemon I Choose you! Contest 2011.

Two amorous trainers leave their pokemon to their own devices. How will a painfully shy typhlosion react to his wily lepardas friend's suggestion of a little game to pass the time? More importantly, where will her "game" lead...
