AGNPH Stories

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This is my second official birthday story for exclamation man. It is about a Nidorina who, after the death of her father, the king, has to become the new leader of her country. A dire problem lies ahead, though, as she apparently has to take care of more things than she would have expected. (rated "X" for a scene of sexual intercourse between two adults) (20295 words)


After narrowly escaping death's cold grasp, Niani the Jolteon gets found and brought to a place where she might be able to lead a better life. (The first chapter is basically an introduction, later chapters have more actual plot. Rated "XXX" for the occurence of sexual intercourse in some chapters.)(13146 words)


A fluffy critter with a penchant for material wealth finds what he truly needs in a secluded glade.

Tags: M Zigzagoon, F Mew, Knotting.


The Jameson Breeding Center is one of the more unassuming establishments of the Hoenn region, but the services offered within have no equal.

Tags: F Human, M Linoone, M Furret, M Floatzel, M Arcanine, Voyeurism, Size Difference



When a Luxray loves her trainer, even though such is taboo, what will he do to make it up to her? OCxOC. Contains lemon, pregnancy, and lots of mushy mushy scenes. Originally a one-shot that has evolved into a multi-chapter story.


Welcome, honored guests, to Lazuli Island. If you've found your way here, truly you are of remarkable standing and... interesting tastes. Please feel free to visit our resort, the Safari Zone, and even enjoy the beach...

Oh, but please don't forget to sign the waiver.


A young man named Juan Rivera is tired of love. Heartbroken, and with advice from his father, he finds true love in the form of his closest friend...


One of my first submissions to Fanfiction... or at least my first lemon, and I wouldn't even call it that. Please enjoy.


The Arceus bloodline is far from an ordinary line of humans. For generations, this bloodline chosen by Arceus herself has been keeping watch for the return of ancient evils and to help keep balance. Serving as the eyes and ears of Arceus, they have many gifts. Follow the story of Thomas and his chosen path in life to help keep the balance in check and protect Arceus. Along the way, he will be tested in many ways before he realizes what it means to be a Watcher of Arceus.


This story is a direct continuation of "Road to Understanding" Getting back to Ferali and Krystal. As their bonds will be tested in many ways, both new and familiar faces appear to either help them in their journey or see it to a swift end.



Take a brief peek into the Valley of the Pidgeot. A great place to visit....but, I wouldn't want to live there.

~ This is something my messed up brain came up with one morning and it wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it down. >_< ~


Random stories with trainers and Pokemon. Done for fun but mostly for smut.


The chapters are not connected in the sense of having the same characters in each one, however, they all have three key things in common:

1) They are all short stories

2) They all an intimate/romantic relationship with Pokemon involved

3) After the first story, they all became requests from members here.

Rated:XXX [Reviews: 7]


These are scenes I get the inspration to write sometimes. I love a good Riolu or Lucario love scene or story and I don't think there are enough. ^^; There will be other scenes and characters too though as I get the inspiration to write them. Hope you enjoy!


This is the story and thoughts of a college student who finds out that he is not a normal person after he finds out a sad and dangerous secret.


July Bring the Heat Contest 2010 - Team Aqua and Team Magma are at war again. However, two female Grunts have other plans.