AGNPH Stories

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A curious Buizel discovers her brother mating. The next day, her brother helps to explain to her what she saw and the basics of mating. Desperate to try it, she begs and pleads with her reluctant brother, who turns her down. Although her brother refuses to give her a live demonstration, perhaps there's someone else that can persuade him to go along with it...

This story is based on Middle of Nowhere, and features Tango, Jazz, and Blues. It's not meant to be consistent with the actual story and meant solely as a fun way to quench my perverse writing appetite for the characters I've grown to love.

This story is not consistent with Middle of Nowhere, so things may have happened in this "prequel" that couldn't possibly have in Middle of Nowhere.Treat this one more as an alternate branch that could have happened.


'You can't ever have children of your own.' I was told that once, before I left my home to start a life for myself. But I was able to have children of my own, and these are my memories of the joys and pains of Parenthood. I will change the rating when the content get more explicit.



A trainer hiking through the woods discovers a lopunny, only to find out he can't catch it.


A collaborative work.

A pikachu girl fleeing from danger gets separated from her pack in the night. When she wakes, she finds out a raichu found her unconscious and brought her back to his den. Through various trials, they eventually form a bond.



A benevolent male flareon looking after a young eevee feels the pull of temptation for the maturing vixen. A short, erotic story.



An unbearably hot summer day brings together an unlikely pair under the cool shade. A bulbasaur/pikachu story.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


This is a short lemon,which i was commissioned by whatsapokemon to write for him, it is short because its a one shot romp.

"A lucario awakes to find that he is runting and discovers his princess playing with herself in her chambers"



When Cynthia is called to test the latest in pokemon human technology, she thinks it might just be another ordinary day. She'd deadly wrong. This is a day that will change her and her partner forever.

Rated:XXX [Reviews: 2]


Two Leafeon's meet as they try to outrun a forest fire, only to find themselves trapped, and alone in the burning forest.

There is no escape from the flames, but they have time left, and there are a few fantasies neither of them have lived...



Training for a Pokemon Musical pays off, and it's time for a trainer to give her Scolipede a special reward.


An arcanine who's feelings for her trainer has been causing her grief, however one day it all changed.



A trainer returns home from schooling to find his Blaziken rather more fond of him than he remembers...

Sex ensues!



This story is inspired by PROKNIFER69's Blood and Love

An assassin who was created to kill gets tired of the path of blood he's left behind in his wake. He plans on escaping those who would control him. Along the way and by means of terrible misfortune he befriends a small Riolu. As time goes on and the assassin achieves his goals he realizes how much of his new 'life l' is an illusion and the dangers he's put upon the one he loves.



It's been about 5 years since the incident with XD-385 and the Chosen One known as Ash Ketchum. All was peaceful for a while, and the Earth hasn't had many problems lately... Until now. Another threat has risen to the surface, and it seems as though history is repeating itself. But will the outcome be the same? Or will this evil prove to be too much for the new heroes? Only time will tell...


A young female trainer soon finds out that she becomes face to face with a Hydreigon, one of the most violent and dangerous Pokémon currently known to man. Will she be able to gain the beast's loyalty and acceptance? Find out!