AGNPH Stories

Search Results:fav:EBIL64


Instead of mass uploading all of my stories I decided to upload all of the one shots into a story as multiple chapters! Titles of the chapter will include the pairing and tags

Rated:XXX [Reviews: 2]


Years ago, I was just a lonely person with no one to love with. Until Jirachi came to my life giving new meaning to my own life. I'm not a great lover, but I married Jirachi herself. This one, I will tell you my story as to how making love with her is different from other human females. Sometimes, the best sexual lifestyle is being bigger in size than your wife.

Human Male (Identity unknown) & Female Jirachi pairing.


A Shinx and a Mareep create a strong friendship between one another. But when a game of play wrestle turns into something more, how will it change, not only their friendship, but their lives as well?


Humans no longer are the top species and the world slowly returns to the old natural order of things. Smaller packs will fight over the deserted cities and resources. How will a small pack survive?

Rated:XXX [Reviews: 7]


These are scenes I get the inspration to write sometimes. I love a good Riolu or Lucario love scene or story and I don't think there are enough. ^^; There will be other scenes and characters too though as I get the inspiration to write them. Hope you enjoy!


Twin Lucario sisters learn about their family business and enjoy the perks it comes with having a milk farm.


Having won the Sinnoh League, Ash Ketchum returned to his home in Pallet Town for a well deserved rest before continuing on his journey to become a Pokemon Master in by participating the the Master League. While at home, his loving mother showed him that there are other things in life to worry about than just training Pokemon.

Ash and his friends begin a new journey throughout the entire Pokemon World as they encounter old friends and enemies along the way.

Story Forum Thread:

Disclaimer: All characters, settings, and related material are the property of their respective owners, Pokemon Copyright 1995-2012 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. Pokemon character names are trademarks of Nintendo. All characters in this story are 18 years or older. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


White the Mew finds hirself in a strange contraption, wearing a collar, and scared. The truth is revealed as shi's released from a Pokeball, into a room, greeted by a sinister voice. And shi's soon joined by Celebi and Jirachi. What's the purpose of all this? A breeding program.

Original Finished Date - Jul 14 2004


Ok. A mostly smutty story featuring family fun.


Zero used to be a pokemon trainer, like most. As a Mewtwo, he has come to enjoy many of its perks. Thanks to winning a big wager, he now owned some property off of the Viridian Forest, and has an arena set up for non-traditional matches.

Lyrum is a wet-behind-the-ears Kangaskhan, who's yet to have a joey, and well away from home.

They find quite the bond together...


My name is Angel, and I'm a Zoroark. I just just recently moved here to the Cafe to start my work. This was my second night working here, and I'm very anxious about my first customer, who will hopefully give me a good first experience as a waitress here~


Zangoose X Mawile evo sex....end of story.
NOT!!!! ;P



A trainer's Erotic adventure with his many Pokemon.


What happens when two pokemon get stuck together inside of a cave? Well, you'll have to read to find out.


This may blossom into a series, not entirely sure, but I think it has potential!

First Story:
An innocent Leafeon was walking through the forest one day, enjoying getting away from the bustle of the city life and napping in the forest. He was a trainer's pokemon, true, but felt the wild was his home. What happens when that home seems to turn on him? What will happen because of this?

Arbor Day Contest 2010 submission ^^
