AGNPH Stories

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WARNING!! This story contains scenes not suitable for Lilly livered or faint of heart. In this story, a Lucario's day goes from bad to worse when a Pair of Manyula get a hold of him.

Original Completion Date: 11-11-2007



Hey guys, this doubles as my late TW submission and a sample badfic, I'm featuring it for a while as a demo for badfic bonanza


The same thing as last time


It's basically about Misty and Ash getting hooked up
Since Ash's Mom is on vacation and Brock is usaully at the pokemon center.....what do they do alone or someplace elsewhere? Read to find out!!!!


An excited Trainer takes a trip to Poketopia, but a vicious storm claims the ship. Thanks to a cheery Buizel, the Trainer makes it to land, but only on a small island in the middle of nowhere. With only each other's company, their friendship will begin, grow, and be tested numerous times as he waits for help to arrive.


This is the first of a sereis of stories called Dark Passions. This series surrounds mainly Dark Pokemon. All Characters are Anthro. Stories may contain, violence, Bondage, Rape.

Original Completion Date: 8-21-2007



This story is based around the time of the Johto Journeys. I picked this for the obvious drama I could get from Chikorita but it is expanding byond my initial concept.
It has also become an exercise in creative writing. Many of the things I'm writing into these stories (such as furry sex, bestiality or lesbianism) don't actually hold any interest for me or in a couple of cases actually weird me out. Having quite a lot of experience fic writing I decided that rather than just diss a genre I am going to make an attempt to understand it and while I'm not sure how it comes out will meat everyones preferences I hope my readers will be pleased with the result.



Three Galactic Girls, Having some fun in the bath. It's a short story of Lesbianism, for Persium, to prove once and for all that I am supremer writer than her. ... It worked. (Rated XXX for lesbian sexings. :3) Enjoy!PS- Mercury is a made up character by Persium. She's a blue haired Loli with pigtails. That's all you need to know.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 2542 Views: 353
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


A collection of one-shot fiction based on requests I get. The pairings and ratings will vary based on the request and subject matter. Includes pairings Marley/Shaymin, Flareon/Roserade/Lopunny/Gardevoir, Trainer/Roserade/Kirlia, and Vaporeon/Gengar. These are from Spring/Summer '07.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 6
  • Completed: No Word Count: 14647 Views: 5353
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Jennifer and Heather go on an adventure to be the best trainers, and they just love pokemon. Inspired by Pink Pokemon.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 3
  • Completed: No Word Count: 7915 Views: 2478
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Requested by The Pest. After returning home from Hoenn, Ash has made plans to take the Battle Frontier challenge. If only he knew that he was right in the middle of a love triangle involving two females that have had powerful feelings for him even after he left them behind... This title is temporary. Please leave any suggestions for a story title with your reviews.


A shy Vulpix, a popular Espeon! Who knew these two would end up together.

This was my first lemon. I just fixed up the setting for the first four chapters, so hope you all like it. The story get's better as you read.

In this tale you will learn how two lovers met and made love for the first time. With a shy, strong and mysterious Vulpix and a beautiful, popular virgin Espeon female.


This is my first lemon. My characters in this story are a sixteen-year-old human high-school student named Alexander, a Natu/Xatu (Female), and a Meditite/Medicham (Female). (Warning: Contains Rape)

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 5192 Views: 499
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


In this massive sex story, a mute Lucario is held captive in an abandoned laboratory, now inhabitated with dozens of Sneasel and Weavile. Three females and two herms proceed to make him their newest toy... (Reversed-semiNC Orgy)



An old mini-series I was unable to finish (Back when I was just "CK22 w/o the B"), but soon will.
This is a tale starring a sexually modest Raichu named Blitzen and a Pokecenter Chansey named Fyusha.