AGNPH Stories


A Steelix paralyzed and broken now lies mostly motionless after going so far to secure his leadership but now a cripple and with no female to turn to him, his fate it resigned. Hope comes in many forms or sizes when a girl stumbles upon his herds sanctuary.

If he must lose his pride and leadership, one thing he did know. That is that he would have a slave to tend to his remaining years. Or, does this captive have something more to offer?

No matter how stern a brute like a Steelix maybe, we all have soft spots.


Odd Couples Contest 2013


A lonely Machoke is facing yet another mating season in the company of his own right hand. However, one night a mysterious Alakazam appears in his cave, bearing an unusual request...


April 2013 Odd Couple Contest entry,


When new allies are left together in a remote campsite to recover from severe injuries, they explore their own feelings while slowly building up a close bond with each other, soon blossoming into a long lasting relationship.

Dedicated to a lucky couple in another fanfic that didn't get much face-time in that story arc.

1st time contest submission!

April's Odd Couple Contest Submission


It began as any other ordinary night: Sam and his trusted Flygon friend Morena had gone out for a pleasant evening in the heart of Eterna City. But the unexpected occurs when the city is overrun by carnivorous, genetically altered creatures. With no help in sight, Sam and Morena must look death in the eye as they struggle to make it through the night alive. Prequel/ sequel to Biohazard.

Rated XXX for language, disturbing content, and blood/ gore violence

2009 Halloween Submission (Repost)


A riolu with amnesia wakes up near a waterfall within the ancient region of skywind falls. The only thing he knows are his name, Rokio, and a fuzzy image that nags at the back of his mind. Those that awaken him, a flareon named Fren and an Eevee called Flaria, take him back to castle town where he decides to join with them in their exploration team along with three others. Together, they overcome many trials during the missions given to them by the guild in Castle Town, and search for a way for Rokio to get his memories back.


A collaboration story with Guri, featuring [i]that[/i] typhlosion. Enjoy, if you dare...


A Graveler struggles to cope with his untimely demise, and more importantly, his separation from his friend and lover. But, what if there's more to the afterlife than it first appears?

An entry for the April Odd Couples contest. While this story was written some time ago, it plays nicely into the theme.


Ford is a dragonite who delivers the mail on time, every time, almost. But, can he deliver a new friend from danger before her zealous pack leader declares war on a man who isn't willing to suffer sneasels any longer?

(Pokemon Odd Couple submission.)


Here we meet Grace, A young girl who stayed behind when everyone else went out on their own adventure. Now it seems the adventure has come to her!


There is a fine line between the notions of love and hate. Humans often believe that such complexities are only felt by themselves as a species. But for Pokemon living in the wild, this is an everyday struggle.



A torchic reaches it's evolution which his parents decide to celebrate with a surprise hidden in the woods...


This is my official birthday story for exclamation man! It is about a rebellious Charmeleon who, at one point, decides to do something against the oppressive rules of the society he is forced to live in. (rated "X" for a scene of sexual intercourse, also some violence) (13176 words)


A young Cubone named Tomu suffers from his violent and hateful environment. Always trying his best not to hurt anyone, he is taken advantage of and abused until in the end, things become too much for him to handle and he needs to find the necessary conclusion of his worries. (Rated "X" for a short scene of sexual intercourse; WARNING: contains rape) (18017 words)


An Umbreon named Pharion tries to do whatever he can in order to please his mate, but she apparently doesn't feel this kind of love and devotion for him in return. Moon, their daughter, hates to see her father suffer and attempts to help him somehow. (rated XXX for sexual intercourse)


A young Grovyle called Dawn tries to find her way to the realm of Tomorrow; however, a strange human named Dusk insists on first showing her the wonders of Today, which makes her rethink her way of life. (rated "XXX" for sexual content) (23460 words)