Through life we all need someone, and being lonely is not how we would want to be. A little orphaned Eevee is left to feel the emptiness when his fellow orphans are adopted one by one. With no one to play with his seclusion seems unbearable as he peers out into the streets from his orphanage confines to see happiness everywhere but where he is. Its Christmas and no one to share the special time with. The little Eevee longed for a partner and soul mate, until now. Finally that dream of that special caring person maybe afoot, and those dreams no longer dreams. With all so wonderful, or should be, he finds himself in a position where his emotions and feelings towards his trainer grow stronger everyday. What are these new feelings? The little Eevee finds his bond strengthening to a extent the he becomes spiritually attuned to her, a chained soul to her own. Will he succeed and court his sweet Amber? Or will complications arise which will drive one another away?
New Ties (6955 words)
[Reviews: 1]
A Touch Of Reality (6817 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Having settled into his new lifestyle now, Havi will come face to face with new challenges from acceptance of others, to love and what crossing the threshold to adulthood can bring. Having lived so sheltered from other worldly affairs, he is unprepared and his knowledge is poor on intimate affairs. Would he be able to bridge the gap and make friends or will he fail to win their companionship?
A Dazzling Star Shines (5527 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Finding the cruelty he thought of as something finally left behind in his past, Havi is left to shoulder it anew with what the others may bring. With friendship so elusive, was he fit for now pokemon other? Is here even the place to discover a single one that would be his friend?
A Sublime Visage (7093 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Changes happen to us all, and changes also happen around us. Everyone feels them, and we all learn to either accept them or move on. With such a big one happening now for Havi his thoughts are only confused, not knowing what to truly make of things. Will his Amber guide him through his newer found turmoil or will she reject him based on his newer needs. Faced with a threat to their relationship, it's times like these that can destroy cherished and fragile ties.
Transcending Boundaries (4331 words)
[Reviews: 1]
A creature so foreign remains were her sweet Eevee was, presenting a new danger to her weakened heart. Would she save her sweet Havi or crumble under the fear of this new threat and be destroyed?
A Date, Sweet As The Fruit (5977 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Memories are all we have sometimes, and the most powerful happy ones are the most treasured for gifting us with a magic we'll keep forever. We look back and it makes us feel good. By keeping our loved ones alive in our memories, we make them immortal as they'll always live in our hearts and minds, as long as they're not forgotten. Amber has memories of such fond moments, and today we'll journey with her through them. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have when writing them.
Storm's Eye (5513 words)
[Reviews: 1]
With the pressure rising for Amber as new emotions stir, and older ones resurfacing, she at her most vulnerable. Not all is at a loss, and with change we may embrace something newer and more profound. Will it be the case for Amber and Havi, that remains to be seen.
Where art thou (6258 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Faced with an awkward situation it was always going to come down to beat, or be beaten. How will Havi handle this, will he even stand a chance, or will he dominate his aggressors? The repercussions may come no matter what happens.
Until The Clocks Stop Turning. (5527 words)
[Reviews: 2]
A light in the darkness, a shoulder to lean on, and a glimmer of hope is what Havi needed if he should brave the situation he'd been thrusted within. But, and there is a but, would he find it in time if he is to restore what has been broken?
A plan carved (4461 words)
[Reviews: 3]
Amber awakes to find herself in a difficult situation, with so much that's happened, was this really meant to be or would her love die in the same way her last did, undeclared.
Tu m'aimes? (6724 words)
[Reviews: 2]
A hope renewed, a love to gain, wonders to yearn and a heart to win. Havi must embark on the most important quest of his life. With everything to go for, these diciding moments of what he does will count for everthing he has ever desired, and that everything is one thing, Amber. How will he do it? Not even he fully knows, but with a newly befriended and the help of others, surely he would work a plan to succeed, or fail. Could love really elude him?
Where Weeping Hearts Meet (7135 words)
[Reviews: 2]
With all said and done, the final moments where all he had dreamt to would become reality or ruin, it was time to make his move. Will she be the dream come true he has yearned for or would she be the heartbreak he feared most.
- Comments (9)
- Reviews (10)
11 stars out of 5
Amazing character development, beautifully written, and one of the most heartwarming plots on this site.
I look forward to more in the future. ;)
Author's Response:I will try to update more frequently then. ^_^
Forgot to rate ;)
Author's Response:Happens ^^ and I have just updated a new chapter too :) I updated quicker as I know there's someone reading now <3
Another astounding chapter to the story. With plenty of powerful emotion, thrilling plot, and spectacular writing. Not to mention an edge-of-the-seat cliffhanger making me excited for the next edition to the story.
Until next time, see ya later ;)
Author's Response:Thanks the next chapter will be up in about 4 days ^^
I enjoyed the starting chapter and will read the next tomorrow. This was a great start and I do love the way you did the play scene at the orphanage. Very nice start. I look forward to reading more.
Author's Response:Thank you kindly, please enjoy the rest when you can ^_^
Damn I feel snugly. You really do capture a bond between character and draw a warm fuzzy feeling out of the reader. I implore you for your character building. The relationship between Amber and Havi is almost tangible, and feels warm and genuine. There's many great points within your writing style and I have to admit you're very talented as an author. You left me feeling genuinely concerned for Havi as you created him in such a loving and innocently caring manner that I was easily able to relate to him strongly, which is rare. Hope he's gonna be okay.
Author's Response:Thanks :D I tried as I'm a sucker for cute things.
What a fantastic chapter and now ima say I'm in for the long haul as the story has enticed me with such intense relationship building love even if plutonic and wonderful story writing. There were the odd grammatical errors but I can easily overlook them. It still would be worth going back to correct them.
I found myself feeling sorrowful at Havi's situations at the start but the mood grew warmer as the chapter progressed. I have to say you have a way of definitely portraying strong emotions and manipulating them out of the reader.
Author's Response:Thank you kindly, your words mean a lot, thanks again.
I couldn't stop with the last chapter and continued on to savour the next.
This chapter surprisingly was really sexy. I enjoy Havi's innocence here during the encounter with Amber as his inexperience in intimate affairs was worked in really well.
I loved the gift scene and almost shed a tear. She really does love him. I've read any fics but this is one of the few that creates such a warm fuzzy feeling.
Im going to continue tomorrow as it's late and you left me dangling as I want to find out what's happened. Cruel cliff hanger, well done!
Author's Response:No problem, hope you continue to enjoy it all. I'm glad you found the scene with Havi's new interest and curiosity pleasing to read.
This is an mother excellent chapter and with some tensions and mixed feelings coming through which are portrayed exceptionally well. This is a beautifully written story which takes me through in a diversity of emotions, bonding moments and even confusion but not for what's in the writing but character attitudes and such which you invoke on your reader.
Im excited to see what happens next. Havi should be able to hold his own but he's never battled so things should be interesting if the bully's try something this time.
Author's Response:Thank you kindly good sir, and I hope you continue to enjoy the offerings of words within my story telling :P
This is a new getaway from the story but a valuable one which is taking me through a journey of why Amber is being like she is. I'm enjoying this finding it interesting and again superb story telling.
Electabuzz was mentioned early on and I was curious to how things had happened and her first love. We also see not only glimpses into her past but other issues she had being without parents. She's very sweet and I really like her. Let's see what happens next time. I really wasn't going to read this many chapters today but I'm hooked imo.
Author's Response:You certainly have been busy reading. I'm hoping to catalogue some of her past to show the reader where much of her regrets and insecurities originate from.
Another beautiful and heartwarming chapter. Thi
Author's Response:Thanks so much :D I'll try and soon the conclusion shall happen ^^
Date:Nov 28 2016 Title:Transcending Boundaries
This is brilliant. The way the characters are shown off and the way we get a good feel of the world. I like it.
You want feedback? You Got feedback.
Date:Dec 10 2016 Title:Transcending Boundaries
Such a great story. Very well develope characters. Such emotinal bonds. I do like the whole tent scene. How a child would see adults trying to makw friends. I do hope you contiune this story.
I know it sounds mean but love to see havi get revenge on that hitmonlee.
Date:Jan 9 2017 Title:Storm's Eye
Looks like some fighting types and a flying type are avout to faint.
Love this story and series. Keep up the great work.
Date:Apr 11 2017
I think this is one of my favorite series on this site...
Keep up the AMAZING work! ;)
Date:Apr 11 2017
Thank you ever so kindly, I wasnt sure if anyone was enjoying it. This makes me happy I can share something that others may enjoy.
Date:Apr 13 2017 Title:Until The Clocks Stop Turning.
Wow, another stunning chapter. The ending made me tear up bit. Thank you for updating this AMAZING story so quickly. It was the perfect way to end my day ;)
Date:Apr 18 2017 Title:Transcending Boundaries
Thanks for your replies guys, it's really motivating ^_^
Date:Apr 19 2017 Title:Storm's Eye
Thanks so much, I'll try ^^
Date:Apr 19 2017 Title:Until The Clocks Stop Turning.
Thank you, I'm glad that my story is so enjoyable for you.