AGNPH Stories

Search Results:tag:feral



A Gym Leader's son finds himself taking care of his father's team of six when he leaves for the night. Unbeknownst to him, the Pokemon have 'other' plans for the young adult.


Ok, so... This, in a nutshell, is about a Charmeleon who has massive hots for her trainer, but he is unwilling to screw her. She tries to get him to fold, and along the way, there's lots of plot and smut.

There's drama, there's humor, there's tension, there's..... a lot of other things as well, probably. Like large words and proper punctuation and capital letters. I think I even used a semi colon!

Aaaand that's about it.... I think. Don't be fooled by this little info box: I'm actually a good writer (Quit rolling your eyes, I'm serious) so if you think you'll enjoy it, you probably will, because this isn't some 11 year old's story about "YAY LETS GO CHAR THE CHARMELEON! USE UR SUPER FLAME ATTAK he said and char the charmeleon said CHAR and blewed fire on the rattatta whihc then fainted and they got experence points". ... Yea, if I ever start writing like that, you can shoot me.



MD- This is a little side project Guri and I have thrown together, largely due to the mutual agreement that Mew is a very fun character to write with. His idea, my characters, joint prose. Hope you all enjoy.


A bit of a late piece, for V-day, but this is also for the Pokemon I Choose you! Contest 2011.

Two amorous trainers leave their pokemon to their own devices. How will a painfully shy typhlosion react to his wily lepardas friend's suggestion of a little game to pass the time? More importantly, where will her "game" lead...


FETEP 2 entry.

A lonely vaporeon flees her family's den, confused and distraught by her dysfunctional parents. Can anyone truly relate to her? Know her heart and love her as she is?



Sam, a fragile and shy Eevee is left alone in the forest; his mother was just captured by trainers. In a bout of danger he finds a friend. Sasha the kind and competitive Vulpix. In a series of adventures they get to know each other.


William finds himself taking care of a wild Ninetales, who is very wary of humans. However, her heart slowly opens up to him, and she soon discovers that she might be in love...


The forests of Fortree City are to be cut down, and the man behind the operation is absolute scum. If he isn't stopped now, who knows what else he'll do. Is there anyone who can put a stop to him? Anyone...

Arbor Day Contest 2010


A psychologists worst nightmare rests within the Harris Institution, her name is Mollie. Its up to Dr. Fredrick Allen to set her straight, only one problem: Hes a wimp.

Human X Nidoqueen

NEW NOTE: Someone did ask me to continue this, I shrugged it off since this story was already complete but now that I've given it more thought I may actually be able to continue it O.o But not too soon, it needs some more planning, ah who am I kidding I make this sht up as I write it.


This will be an action/adventure romance. It contains strong language, graphic descriptions of battles and death, and will contain m human x f pokemon lemons.


I redid the old Meal Time Fun story because I was in a rather.... dark mood. An Espeon hunts a Pichu for dinner, only to play with his food.


There is said to be a school far away which teaches how to have sex. Where everyday students will have to learn to survive not just what is taught in the classroom but protect themselves from those around them.

I have now re-uploaded all of the missing chapters and combined the broken chapter from long ago which caused my story to have more chapters than it was suppose to.

Story ideas or always welcomed but please read though the entire story before making any suggestions.

Next chapter will be uploaded by: 07/26/13


For two brothers, life is a game. It starts out oh-so-simple, but time layers on its pressures. As the world unveils its rougher rules, they'll need to start to take care of each other -- in every sense of the phrase.

Mightyena x Poochyena



It's late at night; the family's out. Home alone, Ian's resigned to another night in with his psychic companion, Vera. Some things can seem dull in moonlight, but she makes him a proposition he's not too interested in refusing...

Story contains psychic tomfoolery, and was commissioned by a very dark, shady and willingly anonymous character. You will never found out who he or she was.

Human x Espeon


What goes around comes around. While oh-so-innocent owners rear beautiful pet Pokemon for the vicious Beauty Pageant scenes, the politics between Pokemon remain far less friendly.

Ninetales x Vulpix

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
