AGNPH Stories

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Ricky brings home a girl for what seems like a normal one night stand. But when it turns out to be something greater than that, what will happen between the two? Will Ricky ever see her again? M for lemons. MHuman x FPokemon, OCxUmbreon.


In a world where reality is constantly falling apart, the pokemon gods have created assistants to keep it in check. The god of time, Dialga, has entrusted the upkeep and management of the ever unstable nature of time to thousands of Celebi who travel through time to keep things flowing normally.
Usually, changes to history and future occurrences by Celebii are integrated into a stable fashion assuring that history does not change. However, one such timekeeper has learned that he has the ability to actually change events, causing dangerous paradoxes that threaten reality as it is known.


Basically, a Vulpix shows an ignorant Braixen how evolution is important.. And why it's important not to ignore or squander one's gift!


A budding pianist struggles to make his mark on the world, scraping by with the help of his faithful ninetales partner, who wields her own form of artistic talent. Love seems to be elusive and far away from their shared world, but perhaps it is closer than it first appears.


A young boy named Luke who has the ability to talk to pokemon, meets a Zorua named Mina behind his school. At the age of thirteen, he and Mina set out on their grand adventure. However, all is not well in the Unova region as an evil crime syndicate rears its ugly head.
With a seemingly limitless amount of money at their disposal, they have their eyes set on making life difficult for just about everyone.



FETEP 3 entry.

Some years into the future, pokemon and humans have reached a rather different relationship than the one they currently share, one of equals. Enter Maverick, a Lucario who happens to be very good at his job. A valuable attribute when one's location is the moon. But, the harsh landscape is the least of his issues. Some problems don't disappear, no matter how far you run.



MD- This is a little side project Guri and I have thrown together, largely due to the mutual agreement that Mew is a very fun character to write with. His idea, my characters, joint prose. Hope you all enjoy.


A bit of a late piece, for V-day, but this is also for the Pokemon I Choose you! Contest 2011.

Two amorous trainers leave their pokemon to their own devices. How will a painfully shy typhlosion react to his wily lepardas friend's suggestion of a little game to pass the time? More importantly, where will her "game" lead...


FETEP 2 entry.

A lonely vaporeon flees her family's den, confused and distraught by her dysfunctional parents. Can anyone truly relate to her? Know her heart and love her as she is?


A collaboration story with Guri, featuring [i]that[/i] typhlosion. Enjoy, if you dare...


A story written for round 1 of the 2011 FETEP contest, reuploaded here.

A wandering Lugia comes across a spunky Typhlosion held captive by humans, and is enticed by his compassionate nature to intercede for her protection. However, he might end up as the one needing protection. From her.


It's been awhile since Shawn has seen any action, when he gets an early morning call to come into headquarters. Could this finally be some excitement? The series kicks off with our hero on a new mission. Who knows what adventures he'll have?

A wizard from our world is sent to the pokemon world on a mission. Can he stop the dark forces that are conspiring to rip reality apart? He'll have to enlist the help of a few pokemon it seems, and just how will they react to their unusual trainer?


Christmas has come once more, but the people and Pokémon of this modern age have forgotten what it's all about! The misfitting duo of Mew and Mewtwo decide to bring back the old traditions and enforce their very own brand of Christmas spirit... For better or worse!


Mewtwo, the strongest Legendary Pokémon of all time is suffering from a bad case of the holiday blues. He tries his hand at understanding and celebrating Christmas... With yet another rhyming carol!


On the sixth day of autumn 2010, the cult known as Evolution's Gate became disbanded after police discovered the bodies of 47 of its members in the Cerulean Cave.
This is a story where fact and the occult meet, and in which one must question where the line between fantasy and reality is drawn...