AGNPH Stories

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Deep in a region of the world ruled only by Pokemon stands four tribes. After a time of warring, fighting and killing the four tribes found peace between one another. Each year the tribe Pokemon come together and mate with one another. A young Shinx who does not understand why the tribes do what they do goes on a journey in a attempt to find the answers he seeks. Though as he pushes forward he begins to find out that the world of the tribes live in goes deeper than he could ever have imagned. 


Anthony O'kai never had an easy life, being a survivor from the destroyed Geosenge town, this boy of thirteen sets out on his pokemon journey only to find that his journey will be far from normal.


The story of the trainer Felix and his very special Riolu, Luca. Their relationship is sweet, strained, complex, and everything in between.

This is the remastered version of my story, Luca. In going back to the beginning I found I was editing the story significantly. So I decided to post it as new! : )
I hope you enjoy the changes I've made, and if this is the first time you've found this series, I hope you enjoy it for the first time. Be aware it follows the original edition, but has quite a few changes, including new scenes, and rewritten scenes.

At present there are no love scenes edited. Ratings follow the original as this will eventually hold all the same themes and material.


Through life we all need someone, and being lonely is not how we would want to be. A little orphaned Eevee is left to feel the emptiness when his fellow orphans are adopted one by one. With no one to play with his seclusion seems unbearable as he peers out into the streets from his orphanage confines to see happiness everywhere but where he is. Its Christmas and no one to share the special time with. The little Eevee longed for a partner and soul mate, until now. Finally that dream of that special caring person maybe afoot, and those dreams no longer dreams. With all so wonderful, or should be, he finds himself in a position where his emotions and feelings towards his trainer grow stronger everyday. What are these new feelings? The little Eevee finds his bond strengthening to a extent the he becomes spiritually attuned to her, a chained soul to her own. Will he succeed and court his sweet Amber? Or will complications arise which will drive one another away?


Becoming an adult is never easy, and for some, the new decisions are difficult. But sometimes, the universe has a way of scheduling a date with destiny...


January's release for Someone's PC on Patreon.


Join Tesla Nightclaw, A Pokemon on the journey of a lifetime.

After losing his parents to some unknown assailants, Tesla fled his hometown in hopes of escaping the threat that looms over him. However, he soon meets a peculiar Pokemon. A young Ralts, named Maya, who is the same age as him (17). The two share a tragic backstory, a peculiar ability, and a love for nature and the world around them. The two soon become close and realise that they were destined to meet. The mystical force that links them together will not only prove useful, but crucial in the fight against evil.


Join the last Assassin, Tesla Nightclaw the Umbreon, on the most dangerous journey he will ever make.

Some unknown group, known only as the 'Black Shadow', has annihilated both the Assassin's and the Templar, leaving only one member of each group alive; Tesla, and a veteran Templar named Emily Renekta, an Espeon. When their paths cross a few weeks later, they both decide to team up to try and identify this new threat and take it down before it destroys everything.

However, the two lonely renegades soon become close, and they realise they must learn as much as they can about this strange enemy, or face utter destruction. With only a handful of allies, they must fight not only for the world, but for each other, as there is nothing as powerful as love and vengeance.


A story between a trainer and his Victini, is a work in progress.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Beta Acknowledgments: Ziegles


A remote monastery offers refuge to a young man forced to flee all he knows. The strange pokémon residing there baffles and frustrates him, but he quickly learns there is more to her than meets the eye...


A practically plotless lemon I wrote some time back. Female Delphox x Male Trainer.


Just a glimpse into the daily lives of a farmer and his family. Though, today they get a guest, and a fight breaks out.


Pokemon are released into the real world. The only problem is that they're not very friendly.


Twenty year old college student William Lucas has the ability to talk to Pokémon. At the end of a particularly bad day he meets a wounded Eevee, and the two quickly form a bond. Little do they know a path of adventure and discovery awaits them.


Humanity has finally gotten fed up with their fragile position in the world of Pokémon. Gathering the best of trainers, they have decided to subdue or dispose of every powerful Pokémon in existence.
The strong will expire as a large conflict between Pokémon and humans arises... But which side of the conflict will you end up on when you are neither Pokémon nor human...?

  Chapters 60-70 added! 


File Name: One Good Turn

Owner:  Arcane Reno

File Location:

File Type: Story:Adult:M/F/F: Human x Flareon x Vulpix

Caption Text: Support us on Patreon for special art, stories, and more!

Details: Who could resist offering shelter to two bedraggled fire-type strays on a rainy night? It’s only for the night, after all, and as they say, one good turn deserves another…


May's story release for Someone's PC.
