Humanity has finally gotten fed up with their fragile position in the world of Pokémon. Gathering the best of trainers, they have decided to subdue or dispose of every powerful Pokémon in existence.
The strong will expire as a large conflict between Pokémon and humans arises... But which side of the conflict will you end up on when you are neither Pokémon nor human...?
Chapters 60-70 added!

Story Notes:
It was a quiet night when Deoxys descended from the heavens.
Believed to not be of this world, it went on a rampage, leaving death and destruction in its wake.
Finally defeated by an unknown force, the tragedy of unparalleled magnitude it created remains in the heart of every human.
To make sure that something like this will never happen again, every wild Pokèmon powerful enough to cause such mayhem must be captured, controlled or killed.
Needless to say, this year has been a bad year for Legendaries. This year has also been a bad year for Champion Trainers.
But my year... Has been... THE WORST!
Lonesome Wanderer Lucario (2127 words)
Serene Chaser Suicune (1962 words)
Eccentric Champion Brendan (3297 words)
Remorseful Vampire Zerobi (2551 words)
Aged Master Red (1955 words)
Downtime (Epilogue of Episode I) (1251 words)
Smug Chief Snivy (2897 words)
Fearsome Four Mienfoo (2309 words)
Hopeless Romantic Rukario (3064 words)
Travels (Epilogue of Episode II) (5440 words)
Prehistoric Tomboy Kabuta (2989 words)
Beautiful Dancer Gallade (4631 words)
Mythological Monstrosity Rayquaza (3852 words)
Young Prodigy Lucas (3844 words)
Legendary Thunderbolt Pikablu (4831 words)
Remorseless Wraith Zerobi (2451 words)
Forgiveness (Epilogue of Episode III) (1748 words)
BAD END - 'Rebirth' (1303 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Pure Legendary Celebi (2457 words)
Indomitable Father Kabutops (1743 words)
Farewell (Epilogue of Episode IV) (5126 words)
Swarmed Trainer Silver (3485 words)
'Birth' (3412 words)
Distressed Damsel Dragonair (3728 words)
Twisted Pokémon Professor (2401 words)
Unique Revolutionist Zoroark (4852 words)
Q&A (4348 words)
Prologue: Initial Partner Ivy (4952 words)
Twisting Manipulator Alakazam (2532 words)
Extraordinary Eeveelution Astrid (4186 words)
Trickery (Epilogue of Episode V) (5924 words)
Hopeful Widow Rukario (3181 words)
Original Rival Blue (4650 words)
Somber Psychic Espeon and Cheerful Fighter Umbreon (5141 words)
Revelations (Epilogue of Episode VI) (1361 words)
Catastrophic Apocalypse Deoxys (12356 words)
Peerless Ace Ethan (3143 words)
Suppressed Personality Cyon (2378 words)
Lonely Legend Mew (4848 words)
Polarized Duo Mewcario (2769 words)
Moonlight (Epilogue of Episode VII) (4557 words)
Epilogue of Year 10 (5200 words)
Prologue of Year 11 (877 words)
Loyal Vigilante Entei (2940 words)
Cunning Leader Zoroark (3605 words)
Lonesome Hunchback Lucario (2921 words)
Vicious Intellectual Mewtwo (2367 words)
Restless Thunderbird Zapdos (3095 words)
Awkward Fairy Azelf (3103 words)
Burdened Elder Lugia (3190 words)
Oppressive Sprite Mesprit (3237 words)
Departure (Epilogue of Episode VIII) (2947 words)
Wild Monster Hunter (3634 words)
Raging Monster Hunter (3282 words)
Grassy Starter Meganium (3319 words)
Roaming Legendary Dog (4179 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Copyrighted Trademark Lucario (1822 words)
No Man's Land (2772 words)
Mysterious Stranger Gengar (4007 words)
Docile Shrub Whimsicott (2955 words)
Silent Brute Conkeldurr (3363 words)
Elusive Trickster Zoroark (3599 words)
Electric Tiger Raikou (2737 words)
Equilibrium (Epilogue of Episode IX) (5716 words)
Rocket Boss Giovanni (3314 words)
Selfish Gunslinger Silver (2159 words)
Supportive Flora Celebi (3019 words)
Unforgiven Killer Zerobi (1893 words)
Helpless (Epilogue of Episode X) (4598 words)
Date:Jul 18 2016 Title:Helpless (Epilogue of Episode X)
Amazing! Hope you keep up the good work in the future!
Date:Sep 4 2016 Title:Helpless (Epilogue of Episode X)
Who uploaded this? Are you the creator? Is there a reason why this site is so far behind? So many questions...
Date:Sep 4 2016 Title:Helpless (Epilogue of Episode X)
We are on ch 117 now, and it seems this site has become the primary source of this series for some. I think you owe it to them to at least try and catch up, unless you ARE the author of course. Then they just owe it to themselves to take the time to find the rest of this epic.