AGNPH Stories

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Having won the Sinnoh League, Ash Ketchum returned to his home in Pallet Town for a well deserved rest before continuing on his journey to become a Pokemon Master in by participating the the Master League. While at home, his loving mother showed him that there are other things in life to worry about than just training Pokemon.

Part 1 -

Ash and his friends begin a new journey throughout the entire Pokemon World as they encounter old friends and enemies along the way.

Disclaimer: All characters, settings, and related material are the property of their respective owners,‚© 2009 Pokémon 1995-2010 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo.‚© 2011 Nintendo. All characters in this story are 18 years or older. No copyright infringement is intended.



A Gym Leader's son finds himself taking care of his father's team of six when he leaves for the night. Unbeknownst to him, the Pokemon have 'other' plans for the young adult.



We keep hearing stories about humans being sent to the Pokémon world and turned into one. Sure, they're entertaining, but...
What if it ever were to happen the other way around?
Two friends are just enjoying their lives when they get sent into a world that is entirely new to them.


One domino sets off another, and another, and another - So how many dominoes can one Glaceon knock over, while she's on heat? Particularly when she shares a room with three other girls and four boys - Things get a little heated up, a bit messy, and overall quite stuffy.

Well, you'll find out what happens here. At least.

"July Bring the Heat Contest 2010"

(Only mild M/M. If this story gets entered as one of the top 3 I will write the second half! Which will be twice as long as this one. ;D)


This story is just a relatively simple story focusing on the curious antics of three starter Pokemon in Pallet Town. Yep, that's right, a Bulbasaur, a Charmander, and a Squirtle! I don't even mention the word 'love' in here. Nope. It's just innocent curiosities all led by a rather mischievous Charmander named Maple.

If you're looking for a deep, involving storyline or characters like I usually do, well, this is not your story. The characters are all really cute (I hope), though! This story is about sex, sex, and more sex. XD At least some pretty nice, sex scenes, including two very hot threesomes with VINES AND COCKS AND PUSSY EVERYWHERE!

Yeah, imagine if you will... Squirtle taking Bulbasaur's ass while Bulbasaur is pounding Charmander's, pleasuring Charmander's pussy and invading Squirtle's tailhole with his vines.

You know you want to read that.


Rebecca is a great trainer, by the books, but she's too prudish to allow her Pokemon to mate, even when they're in the worst of their seasons. Her Lucario takes it upon herself to show her master just what exactly she's forcing them through...

Chapter 2 is a July Bring The Heat Submission


Ash and Co. are chased into a military complex where events occur that will change their lives for ever.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 4
  • Completed: No Word Count: 27252 Views: 1386
  • Published: Aug 24 2013


This will be an action/adventure romance. It contains strong language, graphic descriptions of battles and death, and will contain m human x f pokemon lemons.


There is said to be a school far away which teaches how to have sex. Where everyday students will have to learn to survive not just what is taught in the classroom but protect themselves from those around them.

I have now re-uploaded all of the missing chapters and combined the broken chapter from long ago which caused my story to have more chapters than it was suppose to.

Story ideas or always welcomed but please read though the entire story before making any suggestions.

Next chapter will be uploaded by: 07/26/13


A group of five pokemon tempted fate and are now forced to do the will of the Legends or possibly face a fate worst than death.


After losing in the Unova League Ash's spirit is crushed. He decides to train in isolation, leaving behind all his friends and family.


5 years later a new tournament forces him out of his self-imposed exile, leading to renewed friendships and unforeseen romances as Ash and the gang reunite. Events unfold and it seems that the Battle of the Champions tournament not just revitalizes Ash’s career, it lays the foundation for the rest of their lives…


An Umbreon named Pharion tries to do whatever he can in order to please his mate, but she apparently doesn't feel this kind of love and devotion for him in return. Moon, their daughter, hates to see her father suffer and attempts to help him somehow. (rated XXX for sexual intercourse)


The Jameson Breeding Center is one of the more unassuming establishments of the Hoenn region, but the services offered within have no equal.

Tags: F Human, M Linoone, M Furret, M Floatzel, M Arcanine, Voyeurism, Size Difference


Welcome, honored guests, to Lazuli Island. If you've found your way here, truly you are of remarkable standing and... interesting tastes. Please feel free to visit our resort, the Safari Zone, and even enjoy the beach...

Oh, but please don't forget to sign the waiver.


Random stories with trainers and Pokemon. Done for fun but mostly for smut.


The chapters are not connected in the sense of having the same characters in each one, however, they all have three key things in common:

1) They are all short stories

2) They all an intimate/romantic relationship with Pokemon involved

3) After the first story, they all became requests from members here.