Having won the Sinnoh League, Ash Ketchum returned to his home in Pallet Town for a well deserved rest before continuing on his journey to become a Pokemon Master in by participating the the Master League. While at home, his loving mother showed him that there are other things in life to worry about than just training Pokemon.
Ash and his friends begin a new journey throughout the entire Pokemon World as they encounter old friends and enemies along the way.
Story Forum Thread: http://agn.ph/site/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?5080
Disclaimer: All characters, settings, and related material are the property of their respective owners, Pokemon Copyright 1995-2012 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. Pokemon character names are trademarks of Nintendo. All characters in this story are 18 years or older. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Story Notes:
The following story takes place after Ash as completed the Sinnoh League. Categories: male/FEMALE
Chapter 1 - Returning Home to Pallet Town (2323 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Chapter 2 - Delia starts Ash's Education! (7591 words)
Chapter 3 - Ash's Education Continues! (1863 words)
Chapter 4 - Caught in the Act (7120 words)
Chapter 5 - Friends Forever (9956 words)
Chapter 6 - Misty and the Ketchum's (1493 words)
Chapter 7 - May and Max in the Forest (4570 words)
Chapter 8 - The Gathering of Friends (4941 words)
Chapter 9 - Bedroom Blitz (2430 words)
Chapter 10 - Bedroom Fun Continues (3218 words)
Chapter 11 - Three's Not a Crowd! (6619 words)
Chapter 12 - 'Sick Day' (4586 words)
Chapter 13 - Group Orgy at the Ketchum's (12650 words)
Chapter 14 - Friends Love Forever (9613 words)
Chapter 15 - The Start of A New Adventure! (9825 words)
Chapter 16 - Pool Side Fun (9025 words)
Chapter 17 - Change Room Change Up! (8327 words)
Chapter 18 - Sister Swap Successful (5031 words)
Chapter 19 - Agent Jessie (7958 words)
Chapter 20 - Nightime's a Blast! (11288 words)
Chapter 21 - Psychic Surprises (6084 words)
Chapter 22 - Long Time No See! (10412 words)
Chapter 23 - First Times the Charm! (4751 words)
Chapter 24 - Looks like he's blasting it off... again?! (10613 words)
Chapter 25 - Ready for Duty! (1726 words)
Chapter 26 - The Return of Team Rocket (4105 words)
Chapter 27 - The Plot Thickens (9655 words)
Chapter 28 - The Mom's are Boss! (9077 words)
Chapter 29 - Girls Just Want to Have Fun! (7631 words)
Chapter 30 - Mom's Teach Sex Ed (8953 words)
Chapter 31 - Pole Position! (11667 words)
Chapter 32 - Caught up in the fun! (9681 words)
Chapter 33 - This isn't a Nurse Fantasy Ash! (6182 words)
Chapter 34 - Test Time Trio! (7184 words)
Chapter 35 - Transformashion! (7844 words)
Chapter 36 - The Grass, Ash Rematch! (8240 words)
Chapter 37 - Show and Tell! (7365 words)
Chapter 38 - Girl Power! (9590 words)
Chapter 39 - Morning Surprise (9302 words)
Chapter 40 - Aopulco Resort (8918 words)
Chapter 41 - Meeting a New Friend (11626 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Chapter 42 - And the Winner is... (8162 words)
Chapter 43 - Show us what you've got! (10522 words)
Chapter 44 - Dream Come True (9 words)
[Reviews: 4]
Chapter 45 - Playpoke Photoshoot (17401 words)
[Reviews: 2]
Chapter 46 - Oak's Lab and Vermilion Voltage! (8823 words)
- Comments (1)
- Reviews (8)
Hey! Good to have you back, Gio. Don't know if this next chapter was posted recently or weeks earlier, but I'm here now.
Who is Megan? I found that there's a mix-up in this story.
The photoshoot was very erotic. Sad there's no Brock/Iris in this story, but hopefully the time comes soon.
Time to read the next chapter.
Author's Response:
Fixed the typos. Brock/Iris will come soon enough -
Uh... Stuart? Hmm.
Next chapter will be a good one. Shame Johanna isn't here, but oh well.
Unsure when you'll plan to have the Professor PlayPoke in this story.
Author's Response:
Fixed the error. Johanna will definitely return -
Hey, Giovanni. It's been a really long time. It's good to see that you're still writing this great story. I've been waiting since back on the old site for the last two chapters. However, I'm sure you're missing one that occurred after the cliffhanger on Ch. 43 that still continued the MayxAshxCynthia scene. Will you be uploading that anytime soon? Also, I have to ask whatever happened to your art? Not only are you a good writer, but one of my favorite hentai artists. Will you be returning to the art anytime soon?
Anyways, thanks for the update and hope to see more soon.Author's Response:
I adjusted the story structure for the missing chapter. As for the art, I don't have as much free time anymore to work on it. -
Hey, it's great to have you back again...but this chapter's missing... :(
Isn't this the chapter with Ash and Cynthia? I was hoping you had this or someone else did.
Where is the story? It is not appearing on the site for this chapter!
one of the most awesome story i ever red
This story is going great, but isn't everyone in this story except Ash and Max suppose to be in Johto right now?
Date:May 4 2016
While I've read this story years ago I would like to say that I really enjoyed it. Sadly there are no longer any new chapters as I would of loved to have seen Serena added to this anyway I'd just like to say you did a great job with this.